What’s Up wednesday – November 2023
What’s up Wednesday! Today I’m linking up with Shay& Sheaffer. You can find the questions in blue so check it out and join the fun.
Let’s go…..
What We’re Eating

Y’all, the amount of amazing food we had on our trip to NYC the week of Thanksgiving was probably excessive but the most talked about meal was our thanksgiving feast. We dined at The Smith Restaurant and enjoyed a three course meal with braised short ribs as the main course. It was mouth watering and I didn’t miss turkey one little bit!
What I’m Reminiscing About

This picture popped up this week and it brought back a flood of memories. My sweet spry Mamaw on the last visit we had before her big fall that she never fully recovered from. Her accident was the beginning of a series of events which included Keith’s heart attack, the pandemic, ultimately my Mamaw’s death and my mom’s alzheimers diagnosis all over the next 6 months. I know this isn’t the true form of PTSD, but I get a little queasy remembering it all unfolding.
What I’m Loving

My master bath update! We finally have it all complete and I cannot quit looking at it! Such a big chcange and it really did turn out just like I envisioned. We ripped out the jacuzzi tub, added fresh new floors and replaced the cabinet fronts for a more modern look. It is so light and bright and I cannot quit staring at it! We have pieced together the bathroom renovation over time, first removing the wallpaper, then adding granite counters and re-tiling the shower. The tile floors we added 20 years ago ourselves when we first moved in and they matched the wallpaper but looked so awful with the rest….see below. So happy to have this checked off!

What We’ve Been Up To

Keith and I took a trip to Pagosa Springs, Colorado so he could go hunting and I could just chill. It was a great break and a great way to reconnect.

I also headed back to my hometown and attended my class reunion which included classes from 1985-2000. So many sweet friends and faces I loved reconnecting with.

We all gathered together to celebrate this little turkey at her fall feast. We just love her so much!

I had a fun evening at a family night with my mom and was so happy to see they had music!

And of course, the most exciting thing I did this month was head to New York City with my girls. I hope to pull our entire trip together in a post soon, but this was just such an amazing time.

Carly Jo was actually in the parade and I will forever remember seeing her come by as part of 300 others, finding her in the crowd and then seeing how excited she got when she found me in the crowd.
What I’m Working On
If you haven’t noticed, the blog design got a little upgrade! I’m loving the new layout and feel so much. Now, time to get to work to decide how I want to continue in this space. Finding the time to create blog posts on a little more of a schedule as well as create a weekly newsletter with a more professional feel with added value is next on the list. I hope to have a plan figured out before 2024! I’m determined to celebrate my 10th year blogging by, well, actually blogging!
What I’m Listening To
Spotify posted the 2023 Favorites list and I’m so excited to have this new playlist with all the favorites I’ve listened to all year long. I giggled when I saw Elvis on the list. When I have my mom in the car we have Elvis on repeat because she loves it so much and can still remember the words. There is also lots of music from the Encanto soundtrack because #honeylife. If you want to see what I’m listening to, you can find my 2023 playlist here. Caution…LOTS of Taylor Swift!
What I’m Watching/Reading

I shared my November book review yesterday and right now I’m finishing up Starfish Sisters which I’m loving and you can find free with Kindle unlimited or really cheap without.
What I’m Wearing

I was presented with an award October 30th that came with a check and I decided to use it on a splurge item for myself! I’ve been eyeing this Clare V fanny pack for quite some time and finally pulled the trigger. It was SO perfect and made me feel so stylish in NYC! I also grabbed these neutral Nikes and they worked so well with all my outfits plus helped me keep up as we walked almost 43 miles on our trip!!

I also splurged earlier this fall on this green sweater and have been thrilled it’s been chilly enough to wear it! The gold buttons sold me. It is no longer available in green but I also love this grape color. I wear these dress pants at least once a week becuase they are perfectly stretchy and so flattering. My white boots are also on sale and I ordered a new pair because mine are on their last leg.
What I’m Doing this Weekend
We have our first holiday party on Friday night and it’s always my favorite as it’s an annual party we have been attending for about 15 years and we get to see lots of friends we don’t see on the regular.
What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month
The holidays of course! I am blessed to receive 7 paid holidays off of work and it’s always the best becuase no one else is working either so it’s so stress free. I’m looking forward to some sweet time with my family but also some time to spend down at my moms making some decisions about my childhood home.
Bonus Question: What Amazon Purchase Did I Love This Month
Yesterday was Giving Tuesday and I was thrilled to purchase some supplies for local teachers off their Amazon wish list. The blog, Things I Bought and Liked, pulls together a nation wide list of teacher lists and it’s incredible what she does to find vendor support as well to fill these needs. You can find the list here and filter by your city if that’s important to you. It makes my heart happy to do something to make a difference.
That’s alot of what’s up with me…what’s up with you?