What’s Up Wednesday – March
What’s up Wednesday! I’m linking up with Shay& Sheaffer and you can find the questions in pink so check it out and join the fun. You can also find me joining Welcome Wednesday and sharing some looks with The Blended Blogalong with all my favorite weekly fashion linkups.
What We’re Eating this Week
I’m not going to lie, I have planned zero meals for the week. I literally had a protein shake on Monday night and chips and salsa on Tuesday. Should I be ashamed? Probably but going to the grocery store just felt like too big of a task! Ha!
I’m thinking this is going to be a spaghetti and tacos kind of week round here!
What I’m Reminiscing About

You gotta love a good Timehop day! One of my fave photos of these two cuties. Not much of these babies left around here.

And, y’all, I was pretty confident Riley played on the Marlins in Little League one year and went looking last week. I had to laugh at the words I wrote in his scrapbook. Some things never change…I can still hardly watch sometimes!!

And look at these sweet brothers!! Totally brings tears to my eyes. They are both so big!
What We’ve Been Up To
I shared most of our happenings in my spring break Queen’s Chronicles but here’s a recap: baseball, dance, baseball, meeting the Shaneyfelts, baseball, date night, wedding, baseball and girls weekend. Lots and lots of baseball y’all. Hoping to have a recap of our girls weekend up for you soon! For now you can see our ATX mural mania to tide you over!

What I’m Dreading
Not a thing!
What I’m Working On

Finishing up this space in my bedroom. I had this desk refinished but have had quite the time finding a chair narrow enough to fit. This chair I think will be perfect but I’m waiting for either a sale or a chance to go to the store to pick it up to save on shipping.
Artwork is also going to be a challenge for me. While I worked with some girls to reconfigure the space and redecorate a bit, they hung these frames and now I’m in charge of filling them. Initially I thought I would use family pictures but I really think art would be a better choice. I have a tough time with stuff like this!! I’m thinking of adding botanicals and have been looking at this set to pull in some color but am having a hard time pulling the trigger.
If you have suggestions I’m all ears!
What I’m Excited About
Well, I was super excited about heading to Miami today for the opening series of the Marlins season. For now Riley has been put on the injured reserve list due to tendinitis in his bicep but hopefully after 10 days he will be back on the active roster. It’s such a crap shoot trying to plan for this y’all! I mean, how in the world can I miss his possible major league debut? Yet how can I plan when there is no plan?!!! This could cause me to have a type A relapse but I’m trying to remain chill.
What I’m Watching/Reading
After all the reviews I read I finally had to splurge and download this book! And y’all, I seriously think this page turner will be hard to beat for me this year. So good and I legit was ugly crying towards the end.

And if you have Kindle Unlimited you definitely want to check out the 12 FREE reads I shared last week. They all come with great reviews and I enjoyed reading. Even if you don’t have Kindle Unlimited I’m pretty sure these are all more than reasonable reads.
What I’m Listening To
So many new podcasts I’m trying out! I shared my news favorites earlier this month which includes the new Skimm podcast. I’m LOVING it and love that it happens at the end of the workday instead of in the morning. What I didn’t realize is they also have a Skimmed on the Couch podcast where they interview guests regarding career advice.

Working my way through The Next Right Thing Podcast after hearing an interview on Jamie Ivy’s Happy Hour. If you ever struggle with indecision..head to the first podcast pronto! I still struggle with over analyzing decisions but not as bad as my sweet mom. This podcast is helping me but also helping me to understand a bit of where she might be too.
What I’m Wearing
I would be totally lying to you if I said nothing, however, based on the number of outfits I’ve actually taken pictures of this month you would think that was the case. This time of year has just left me feeling less than inspired to get dressed! Evidently I was a little partial to this long cardigan because it showed up ALOT!

These little sandals have been the biggest surprise. I ordered on a whim and am so glad I did! They are soft and cushy and so darn cute! I have a feeling I’m going to be recreating this look a couple of times before spring is over by mixing and matching different tops and cardigans.

I haven’t gotten around to sharing my most recent Stitch Fix but this floral top was a fave from my January fix. I have worn it multiple times already as well and think I need to pull out some of the more springy shades.

I showed off this dress last fall and pulled it out again this month. This style is just so easy to dress up or down and it is comfortable even with my winter weight still hanging around. It’s obviously sold out but I’ve linked one from the same vendor and the same cut.

I’m so sad I have not shared this shirt here sooner! It appears to already be sold out and man, i really wanted y’all to have a chance to try it. I was so pleased with the fit and it worked perfectly tied in front or with a front tuck and it is so soft. PLUS, I washed and pulled straight from the dryer without needing to iron!!! I’ve linked the chambray version still available in a few sizes.
I will say I LOVE these wedges! Snakeskin has my heart right now.

See what I mean? This tank I grabbed from an online boutique and it is perfect for layering under a jacket but will be great on it’s own with white jeans or some cute shorts. I really loved the customer service at Olive + Pepper too as I did have to return one item and it was super easy.

I’ve linked this cute houndstooth jacket but it is only available in very limited sizes but at a very reduced price. I got a steal on it after Christmas and it has definitely added some class to my work wardrobe. I love pairing with red in winter but opted for pale pink this week to spring it up a bit.
These camis on BOGO 50% off right now and come in tons of colors. I’ve been really happy with the quality for the price on these and should have listened to Gina years ago!
What I’m Doing this Weekend
I’ll just point you back to what we’ve been up to lately….and give you a guess.
What I’m Looking Forward to Next Month

Looking forward to Easter and hopefully seeing this one make his big league debut.
What Else is New

Everything feels new in the spring doesn’t it? I shared a little Texas Spring love yesterday which included a look at this beautiful field of wildflowers. These are definitely a favorite for me every spring!
And don’t forget to linkup tomorrow and share your throwback to spring break….this year or a fave from years past!