Today I’m linking up with
Mel &
Sheaffer for this months What’s Up Wednesday! The questions are in green so check it out and join the fun.
Do you have a Johnny Carino’s Italian in your area? Did you know on Monday they have 1/2 price family platters? I did know this but had no clue it also applied to takeout. I planned to take dinner to a family with a new baby on Monday and decided to grab Carino’s and I mean while I was there I might as well feed my family too right? These are just some of the options to choose from and each meal comes with 4 side salads (or soup) and bread. We grabbed the bowtie pasta and the chicken parmesan and there was enough for Keith, Carly & I to all have leftovers for lunch today…and maybe tomorrow! Definitely a great option for a busy night.
Tonight we have this
crock pot pork chop recipe on the menu and it is so simple and always a crowd pleaser at my house. We serve with brown rice but mashed potatoes would also be a winner. I originally used bone in pork chops but they would literally fall apart so I now use the boneless but either works.
Almost 15 years of friendship with 3 of these girls! Today is
Johanna’s 40th and realizing that I’ve known her since she was 25 was a wow moment! My daughter,
Jordan, works for Johanna & her husband now and to think she is the same age Johanna was when we met was a shocker. How could that much time have passed already!!
Apparently I’m loving graphic tees! After
styling a graphic tee for The Blended Blog Style Perspective series, I’ve ordered the grey tee and the pineapple tee above. The
green scalloped shorts from J. Crew Factory also showed up this week and I can’t wait to try this together!
Carly is super excited about the tomato plant and herbs we planted and has been very diligent about watering.
We also renovated our bathroom shower and the tile around the tub in the kids bathroom. Still waiting on our new shower door but super exicted with how this turned out.
Next step at the house is having all our the back bedrooms and the kids bathroom repainted. Since moving in 12 years ago 100% of the painting has been done by me and this time I decided to hire this out. I’m excited about fresh paint but really dreading the process. I’m going to move the kids rooms around though so hopefully once this is done their rooms will be fully purged and functional.
My sister Queen,
Katy, and I began the
Queen Bees linkup last July and in a year we just could not get the party rolling even after throwing out some prompts. After some feedback and a little blog meeting we went back to the drawing board!
Introducing the new and improved linkup, SPIEL the Beans with the Queens. Next Tuesday, May 3rd, will be the first opportunity to party with us and we would so love to have you. The biggest feedback we received was everyone loves a good prompt. I really hope we have created something you guys can embrace! You will definitely be seeing this all in your face so just do yourself a favor and come play along.
My nephew is graduating from college and I’m super excited to see where this next step in life takes him. Super proud of him!
I’ve been reminded on two occasions recently how crappy I am at being a good listener. Part of my issue is not being able to keep my mouth shut. I started reading Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All
this month and it is excellent!
And you guys, I am the most pathetic Netflix watcher there is! I have been watching Friday Night Lights and Gilmore Girls since October and am FINALLY on the the last season of FNL but cannot stay focused. I’m ONLY on the 3rd season of GG but dying to find more time to binge a little on this one.

Definitely just a mix of music lately. I’ve been very non committal to any genre. I have been listening to the
Lancaster Jethawks play some baseball at least when I can stay awake that long! The only thing worse than
Riley being so far away is him being in a different time zone!
Looks lke spring layers has pretty much been my jam. Lightweight scarfs, my new white denim jacket and my military vest have been favorites. I have also been getting lots of wear out of my
Ugg leopard wedges and the DV floral wedges from last year. My fave color for me this spring has been fuschia so far!
Since March I have been looking forward to the one free weekend we had until the second weekend in July and guess what? It must have been wishful thinking because I just totally failed to add a baseball tourney to my calendar. So…surprise, surprise we will be watching Dillon and his team play. I am excited it has been moved closer to home and to a venue we love due to nature walking trails and a catch and release pond. It does make me happy when my Dutchy can come along.
But first we will stop by the school district art show where Carly has a piece of art on display! Here is her self portrait Picasso from last year!
Lots going on in May! Carly & Dillon both have field trips, the 4th grade talent show, Carly’s dance recital, more 7 on 7 and baseball tourneys AND 4th grade graduation. Of course the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL will be the grand finale!! Summer you are so close we can almost taste you!!
I may become a fur grandma this week. Jordan is picking up a dog which has been in a foster home and giving it a trial run. Hoping to meet her tonight!
Tuesday I shared
10 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas and I would love any of these! I would love to share what I ordered for my mom but y’all she reads this blog.
Can’t wait to see what everyone else is up to this month!! Hope you are having a super week.
Want to know where else I’m linking? Pop over
here and check out all my favorite linkups.
I love Johnny Carinos!! However, they do not have one in the town that live in and it has been years since we have been to one 🙁 I love the link up idea and I will for sure being linking up next week. Have a great day!
I am so excited about our link-up!! This is going to be so much fun! Also – you in the black maxi, scarf and leopard is my FAV! And now I want pasta but I really really really really need to get back on my whole30 before summer!
So excited about the new link up!!!! And girl I'm so ready for school to be over !!!
Saved the image for the new link up and will put it in my schedule later today! Yay!
OK – first, where was that group picture taken? And, how bad is it that I have no recollection of it?! Super excited about your new link-up! I've printed off the prompts and will be adding them to my calendar. Congrats to Carly!!! Can't wait to see what art piece was chosen for the show!
What a fun new link up! I love that picture of all you ladies, so much gorgeousness and one room! And I love the picture of Carly planting her goodies, little green thumb right there!
Really excited about the new link up. Great pictures, 15 yr friendship is so great.
Those lace and striped shorts are the cutest! Thanks for sharing!
Lauren Elizabeth
Petite in Pearls
What you're eating is making me hungry!! Your renovated bathroom looks amazing!! xo, biana –BlovedBoston
I loved the pineapple tee in your earlier post, and saw that they have something similar on Your shower looks wonderful…worth the construction process for sure. Looking forward to the new link up. Hopefully I can get my creativity going to contribute. 🙂
LOVE your new shower! We are getting ready to do the same thing to ours (and when I say "we" I mean our handyman). Your outfits always look so great, Shelly! It inspires me to try a bit harder on my own! ha! 😉
Johnny Carino's is so good! I'm now having a craving for pasta and can't have any for 8 weeks! Waahh! I guess it's a good thing I don't have one nearby. Your bathroom renovation looks so good – I love the tile! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas
Carinos is by far one of my favorite place to grab a bit to eat. I LOVE their bread and that dipping oil they give you with it NOM!!!
Yay for Carly and her garden, so fun I am so glad that you got something for her, I sure hope she loves it.
The shower looks amazing.
I love a good linkup! I am going to mark it on my calendar right now!
Emily we would so love to have you link up with us!!
The bread…it's the devil! I can resist bread almost anywhere but that dang dipping oil…so good. We will see how long we are able to keep all these plants alive!
Ugh….I seriously have not had pasta in forever and it was so good and now I just want to make that our standard monday tradition!
I got the tee today Tanya and I have to say I was super disappointed. It's so stinkin' cute but the material is super thin and that super soft fabric that clings a bit…and that does not look very good on the love handles. 🙁 We would so love to have you for the linkup!!
Thanks so much Biana! We are loving it.
Aren't they fun! I really think I need them Lauren.
We would love to have you for the linkup!!!
Really, really would love to have you join the fun Andrea! Hope you are having a super week!
Luigis last May! I promise we didn't have too much wine!
We would so love to have you Deena!
Girl….even though I work all summer it will be so nice not to have to have things ready to go and a little more relaxed lifestyle! We would so love to have you join us for the linkup!!!
Girl…I have seriously got to reign in the eating…everything is way too tight and it's way to close to summer!
That dang bread and dipping sauce gets me everytime Jessica! We so hope you will join us for the linkup!
Oh goodness….I really, really wish my man was into doing some DIY projects but he is totally not. You always look adorable Em…I'm pretty sure your pretty on the inside shines through no matter what you are wearing