Weekly Whine
Today I’m going to have a little whine if that’s okay with you! Don’t worry, I’ll also share a wine colored outfit if that makes up for it!

Yesterday I took off work to accompany my sweet Mamaw to the neurologist. She is 91 and the trip exhausts both of us each time we have to go. You see, in my small, sleepy hometown there are no longer any specialists and we have to travel about 50 miles for her visit.
On this particular trip I decided caring for an elderly person is much like having a pre-schooler again and I just needed to get back into practice. Planning more time than I need for the trip and transitioning between the car and where we need to be, planning our meals around her picky appetite and being prepared for her to say whatever the heck is on her mind no matter who else is around is a must.
She is beginning to forget just a bit and I believe she asked me the same questions probably no less than 15 times in our short drive which so reminded me of my kids when they were little. Oh, and of course you have to be prepared for potty accidents because sometimes we just cannot move fast enough to make it. It was a long day.
Getting older and watching those we love get older is hard but, y’all, I had the best day with her. My Mamaw, as I’ve shared before, has seen so much sadness in her life. She has every single reason to just lay it down. If I had watched all my children become sick and die as well as two husbands, I don’t even know how I would get out of bed each day. Not only does she get up every day but she puts on her face and she gets all dressed up and she finds a way to smile and make jokes (even if she’s making fun of the doctor’s outfit).
Of coure she still questions why God would have given her these struggles in life and I’ve finally learned to acknowledge her pain instead of ignoring it and trying to just make her move on already. Somehow losing a bit of her short term memory has lead her to remember things from long ago and she has shared so many stories with me about my dad, his siblings and the early relationship between she and my grandpa. Sweet, beautiful memories which I need to hear to remember she once had it all. It’s such a sweet and sorrowful reminder that every single day is a gift and I need to stop with my petty whining and soak it all up.
The past week I caught myself feeling sorry for myself more than I should. Internally I was whining ALOT and looking for praise and approval from my family. I know it was mostly hormonal but when I am there in that place it seems so lonely and I want to just throw in the towel and give it all up.
It’s at those times, I hope in the future, I will think of my Mamaw and I will stop feeling sorry for myself and instead fix myself up and keep loving and serving those around me in the rawest way possible from deep down in my heart.

Enough whining already! I’m loving this chambray top I picked up on whim when I popped in Francesca’s recently. I already owned these wine colored shorts so it was a perfect combo. I know this top will look great with white jeans too! Francesca’s isn’t always hit or miss for me but this top is definitely a win!
See you in that top, I love it. I doubt I would love it on me though. So sweet that you are there for your mamaw, I know it can be exhausting work, but it is good work too. I am sure she is so thankful for you. Here is hoping your Monday goes well.
Beth you are a nut….those shoulders would look amazing in an OTS top. I’m grateful for the time I’m still able to give to her.
Girl you deserve a little wine! It is hard caring for an elderly person, and you’re right it is so much like taking care of a preschooler. Bless your mamaw’s heart, I cannot imagine experiencing all that loss but what a trooper she is! Yo come from good stock for sure!
You know, I really just had the hardest time handling her grief for so long Kellyann. It seems like I’ve finally figured it out and I’m so glad to now have this time with her.
That’s such a good perspective to have! Your grandmother sounds precious!! And love that outfit on you!
Thank you Sarah! Now that I’m fitting back into my shorts everything is more fun to wear!
What a sweet time with your grandma. She sounds wonderful.
These are beautiful photos of you! You look great!
Thank you so much Kathy!
Glad you got some time in with your Mamaw yesterday. I need to add some more maroon/wine into my wardrobe, and that top is so cute! I almost stopped into Francesca’s the other day- they were having a BOGO sale on jewelry. Have a great day at work!
I seriously never go to our mall but after seeing another blogger wearing some of the cute tops I popped in. I always forget a girl I use to workout with is the manager so it was like a reunion and she was so ready to find me something fun.
I love your pictures! As soon as I saw the first picture I immediately thought “this is a great game day outfit” Gig’em Aggies. Hope you have a great day.
I seriously am already excited about football season so I can wear it Jessica!
That top is perfection! You know how much I love Francesca’s!!!
What she said! (And sorry about the plastic bag of clothes on my porch!) Y
Bahahaha…..shhhhh…no one noticed! Love you bags and all.
I seriously don’t know why I don’t go there more often.
Your mamaw sounds like such an amazing woman. I can’t even imagine what she’s been through losing all of her children. That’s just not the way that life should be. What’s even more amazing is that she still has such a positive attitude about life. I tend to be a bit of a Negative Nancy and it’s something that I’m really working on right now. You have every right to whine sometimes, though. Life can be really, really hard. ESPECIALLY when hormones get involved. Sheesh, being a woman stinks sometimes, doesn’t it?
For real….I’ve been almost ready to turn in my woman card multiple times the last few months. Blah. I’m just ready to feel a little more stable…as is my family I’m sure haha
Your Mamaw sounds like an amazing woman. Life can be so hard for people. Sounds like it’s precious times you two spend together even if it is hard at times. You look fab in this outfit and I really like the glass of wine as the accessory 😉
Thank you Ruth! Shhh…don’t tell, it was old wine and I didn’t actually drink it. haha
Your Mamaw is lucky to have you. It’s so hard to watch people age and the realization that our time is coming. A little “whine” from time to time is good for the soul.😉 You look great it your cute top and shorts!
Girl…the way my brain has been lately I feel like it’s just around the corner! I’m so not ready. But yes…a little whine is definitely good for the soul. I’m so thankful to have my girlfriends and this space!
I loved it so much when my grandfather would reminisce and tell me stories of his youth, his time with my grandmother, how things were when he worked as a court interpreter during the British rule in Borneo. It was SO fascinating. Then when he started to lose his memory and could no longer recognise us, I felt as though I had that small part of him to hold onto forever. He passed three months ago, and I feel so blessed to have had those moments with him, they’re my personal treasures, you know 🙂 just like your car rides with your Mamaw, they’re YOUR memories with her, and yours alone, so precious xoxo
So true Sheela! They have been such precious little tidbits that have made my heart happy.
I love that chambray top too. Can I have it, haha. Looks super on you and with those shorts. Perfect.
Ha…Anna if you were nearby I would definitely share!
That cold shoulder top is so adorable. The cool shades, sandals and mandatory glass of wine are the perfect accessories. Cheers darling! Xo Jonet
Thank you Jonet….a glass of wine is always a great accessory right?
Love this look! It’s like the shorts were made for that top!
Thanks Alison…..the shorts were truly the reason I grabbed the top without a second thought!
Baby girl, I love the posts where you pour your heart out bestest of all. You are so real and authentic and genuine and lovable. And real, did I say real?
Your Mamaw could be my mom. I think it is true that while their short term memory begins to fade – who am I kidding by saying THEIR? mine’s fading fast – their long term memory becomes stronger. And maybe for just the reason you mentioned. So these precious souls can share stories and memories with us. My mom was full of some story last week when I visited her in Kentucky. I am so thankful that we still have her around at 90. And hope to hear years of stories still.
Love your embroidered top. The only Francesca I know is PC’s old gf. Yuck. But the store must be divine! Great job pairing the top with your shorts and your glass of adult refreshment.
Thanks for a refreshingly candid post. XO
Thanks sweet Leslie! Pouring out my heart is truly my favorite too. I really do love going back and reading my thoughts from years ago and seeing the growth…thankfully positive growth..haha.
What a lovely, thoughtful post! I love hearing stories from older people, even if they can get repetitive. Sometimes they tell a detail that was left out in a previous telling. Thanks for sharing!
This was such a great post. What a special (if trying) time to have your mammaw. You will never regret it and you will always look back on these memories as fond ones. They call them the greatest generation for a reason, huh? Love the wine color- don’t see it enough right now. 🙂
~Melissa at https://freshairandfalselashes.com
This is an awesome post! It definitely hit home. I absolutely love this look. Your top is gorgeous, love the color of the embroidery.
xx, Elise