The Queen’s Chronicles – Tickled Pink

Saturday was the BIG day for the baby Ferrell gender reveal! We have all been patiently waiting to find out. We gathered at a local restaurant with Riley & Taylor’s friends and counted down for THE moment.

If y’all come around much you already know Riley is a nut. You can see he has his fingers crossed in anticipation of seeing blue. Thing is, I’ve been praying for this kid to have a house full of girls his entire life!

I think it’s obvious by his face, once the news was out he was just as excited. He is only mourning his pocketbook that’s all!

We are all just tickled pink to add a little girl to our family! Bring on the bows! Time for Honey to go shopping.

Riley has such a great group of supportive friends from his days at TCU and I couldn’t beleive how many made the trip from Fort Worth to celebrate with him. They have all been so truly excited for him.

Such a fun day! 19 weeks until we get to hold this bundle of joy. Time to get my grandma on.