The Queen’s Chronicles – Tax Free Weekend
Welcome to The Queen’s Chronicles where I share a little bit of the circus that is our life! It may not always be glamorous but it is a busy, blessed, hot mess and I 100% for sure would not trade it for anything. It was a quick weekend but one with lots of smiles!Here I am super excited about FRIDAY and making a list of all the things I really needed to do like finish my closet organization and get my eyebrows waxed! Nope…..let’s just say my to do list still looks the same as it did on Friday and not even the taxes are complete! We did have some fun though!
Saturday morning Carly Jo and I headed off to Kyle, Texas for a dance competition while the boys headed the opposite direction to south Houston for 7 on 7 football. It’s a bummer splitting up but we were so glad it was only for the day!
I really just can’t get over how different my Carly girl looks with all the makeup and false eyelashes! These girls danced their hearts out with the rest of their team at the last competition of the year.
I do not make the best dance mom but for this girl I’m trying!! She definitely loves performing and has worked so hard this year. I’m super proud of how far she has come.
Don’t worry, Dillon doesn’t dislike church as much as it appears! He was actually irritated we were going to a later service than normal…..yet he wasn’t awake early enough to go to the normal service. Teens! He’s so his father’s child though!
After church Carly headed off with a friend to a Bluebonnet festival where apparently there were no bluebonnets. After grabbing burgers for lunch Keith and I headed to Sam’s to grab some veggies and fruit and then swung by Kroger to pick up the groceries I ordered. I seriously could be on board with never going into another store ever.
I prepped fruit and veggies to have for snacks this week and also diced up a rotisserie chicken. Having a meal plan for the week, even if I do not follow it exactly is HUGE for me. We should be good to go eating at home every night this week plus have enough to take for lunch every day and that makes me super happy!
The Wellness Challenge I started in January held the last meeting Sunday and we had a pot luck with some of our favorite healthy meals. I decided to cook the cilantro lime chicken I love and just make little bite size poppers on toothpicks.
Part of our challenge was to choose a word and write a letter to ourselves back in January and today they handed those back to us! I’m sure if you stop by here often at all you are not surprised to see I chose ENOUGH as my word! I felt like it was fitting. I love these sweet little gifts the coaches prepared for us as apples and almond butter is one of my fave snacks! Once I get all the results sent to me on how I did I will share here.
I ended the weekend sharing some time with this kid! I can’t believe in two short years I’ll be sending him off to college. While I want him to be involved and social, I also still want to spend time with him! We have been participating in Young Mens Service League for two years which has given us a chance to give back to our community while spending time together. Tonight was the end of year banquet and our speaker, Aggie offensive lineman Koda Martin, touched on working hard, dreaming big and remembering to still be a kid. He also reminded the boys if you hand out with turds…you start to smell like a turd! ha! Such good advice for all of us. Surrounding ourselves with others who support our values and will speak up when we start to head off track is is a big deal. I just love this kid and want such big things for him!
And these two nuts! I seem to share more pictures of my friend Holly’s daughter and my Carly Jo but she also has a son who is one month older than Dillon and they have pretty much been friends their entire life. They go to different schools and have different friend groups but they have remained friends and I would say they have each other’s back. And they always, always make it difficult to get a decent picture! Love these two so much and it has been so fun to see them grow up together.
So no, my eyebrows are still a hot mess and my taxes are still not completed but knowing tax free weekends like this are not guaranteed makes them so special!
Wishing you all an amazing week ahead!
Linking with||Weekending, Hello Monday