The Queen’s Chronicles – Summer Pace
We have settled right into enjoying the summer pace. One of my very favorite parts of summer is no alarm. Most days I do not set an alarm and wakeup when the sun starts coming through the windows. I feel so much more rested.
Chronicling our days, even the lazy ones, is one of my favorite things to look back on in this space. Here is a teeny look at how we have been living our best lives this summer.

Dutch Buddy celebrated is 5th birthday! I can hardly believe he’s been part of our lives for 5 years already. Having a house covered in dog hair is not something I would have ever thought I could handle but this guy just makes it all okay. I love the way he loves us all and he brings me so much joy!

If you can’t tell…..he thinks I’m pretty amazing! I’ve gotten back to a regular schedule of either hitting a gym class or taking this guy out for a walk and it feels so good. Now, if I can stop indulging in all the summer treats!

If you don’t know, the Dixie Chicken is a local icon here in College Station. It’s been around for 45 years and we headed out on Saturday for some live music and time with out besties. We didn’t know each other “back in the day” but had so much fun hanging out on Saturday!

Sunday it was time to fill the fridge and the pantry. I’m typically really good at keeping my house stocked but like you have heard over and over, May was a doozy. When we run out of coffee and milk it’s time to stock back up. We have a Sams Club instead of a Costco here and it is always my first stop when things get low. We should be ready for a week of eating at home!

I also needed to pop in Walmart to grab a couple of containers for the pantry I love and I found this little wood sign as I walked in. For under $10 I thought it was a perfect addition to our patriotic decor.

After the big shopping haul, I offerred Keith steak, lasagna or scallops for dinner and you can see he chose scallops. I used this whole 30 recipe which I’ve tried a couple of times and it makes a really nice sauce. Now, he eats this with pasta so it’s not whole 30 when we are done with it but it really is a great sauce and non dairy. Dillon and Carly both ate these too which was a huge plus!
He requested strawberry shortcake for dessert and I realized out of all the serving pieces I have, I am missing a trifle bowl. I cheated and cooked up a yellow cake mix in two round pans with the intention of stacking with cool whip frosting in the middle. They were falling apart so I layered instead. I used cool whip, powdered sugar and cream cheese blended together and seriously it was amazing.

No one wanted to take a picture because no one really got too fancy on Sunday but I managed to talk them into one quick shot. The kids love when Keith acts goofy and I’m still trying to get use to it after all these years . Ha!

And of course, I missed my own daddy a little more than normal on Sunday. As I headed out to grab coffee I was listening to callers on the radio share stories about their dads and then of course the sappy songs to follow. The song Daddy’s Hands came on and I lost it. I came back home and had myself a little moment on the backporch just remembering the things I loved the most! Those big hands hugging me and giving me a little pat on the rear will always be missed.
We are gearing up for our roadtrip to Orlando this week so lots to prepare for! I’d love to build a good roadtrip playlist and also need your recomendations for favorite podcasts so please share!
Have a super week friends!