The Queen’s Chronicles – Summer Camp
The Queen’s Chronicles is a chance for me to share a little scrapbook of what is happening in our lives and this week it’s all about summer camp! Several years ago I wrote Five Ways Summer Camp Will Shape Your Child and while she looks a lot different and the activities have changed a bit, I still find them all to be true.

It was the week Carly looks forward to most every summer and we are so thankful we have had the opportunity to send her to TBARM every summer since she was in 1st grade. Sure, it is on Lake Travis and they get to be out on the water and participate in so many fun activities (including a night of roller skating this year!) but they also have a week unplugged from all things social media and TV and are able to just be themselves and focus on what that means in the eyes of Jesus.
The cabins at Camp Travis are not air conditioned, so I cannot imagine, in the heat of a Texas summer, my kid would be willing to tough it out if she didn’t have such a love for this place and the people she encounters here. As much as I try to instill faith in my kids, I really think being able to have mentors closer to their age who are trustworthy with their hearts can go much further at this age.
This last year Carly has been part of a weekly bible study led by a sweet college girl who has since graduated but continued to meet with the girls. This year her plan is to let the girls take turns leading their weekly study and Carly was so excited because as they worked through Galatians last week she felt such a pull that this was what she wanted to come back and share with her peers. It was so exciting to hear her share all she had soaked in.
I love seeing the pictures pop up throughout the week but when the day of their dual dash popped up and I saw a pic all for me I couldn’t stop smiling! Dual dash is an obstacle course race in which you and your partner are tied together. Carly and her bestie Holden had written Hi Mom on their arms and requested a picture and it is definitely a framer! I could not love these girls more.
Each year their counselor assigns words of affirmation they have seen throughout the week of camp. This year the words compassionate and servant were chosen for Carly and I feel like they are both a true fit. She has a heart for people, even ones who are very different from her. I see her as being wise beyond her years for sure as she truly gets empathy and realizes she doesn’t have to change her views but can still be compassionate to someone who thinks differently.
We never leave camp without signing up for the next summer! Has camp been a tradition for your family?
Thanks for letting me share these sweet memories!