The Queen’s Chronicles – Spring Break
I’d love to be sharing some beautiful pictures of a spring break on an amazing island somewhere but if y’all have been around for awhile you know the drill. Our spring breaks are pretty much ruled by baseball!
While I worked most of the week, I think the kids actually enjoyed just having some down time. Dillon’s girlfriend was also out of town so I think he made it through like 6 seasons of Friends. Ha!
Here’s a quick peak at what we did do!

We kicked off spring break by heading to the Austin area to watch Dillon’s high school team play in a tournament. Between baseball games Keith and I managed to take this little miss for some one on one time. We ate too much and laughed alot. While I’m not her favorite all the time right now her daddy sure as heck is. I can’t say I’m sad about it because watching them be so close just melts my heart!

Speaking of melting hearts, we managed to break away for a date night! Our church did a series recently where they handed out date night cards and it has been fun. For this one we chose a different place for our appetizer, entree and dessert and used the discussion questions provided. I sure am glad to find out we are on the same page about a few things!

My mom came to town on Tuesday and we enjoyed staying up way too late chatting while I did her taxes. We were even able to squeeze in a quick lunch on Wednesday and she took Carly Jo for a little shopping before she headed back home.

Carly and I participate in National Charity League and with so many people gone for spring break some of our charities were really short on volunteers. We headed to our fave, The Bridge Ministries, for a few hours on Thursday.

Friday morning Carly Jo and I headed to San Antonio to meet up with this new sweet little momma! We laughed, lunched and loved on Sarah and her sweet new little Harrison for just a bit. This blogging world is just so crazy and the relationships it brings make my heart so happy. She is just precious as is her husband. So excited for them! If you haven’t read their adoption story you should totally head over to read and also say a quick prayer their paperwork all clears ASAP so they can get back home! Hotel life with a newborn is no bueno.

Y’all, I stayed in bed Saturday morning to finish this book and totally ugly cried. It will be hard for another book to top this for 2019. If you haven’t grabbed it yet I really think it’s worth the purchase!

I learned years ago my favorite way to watch baseball is behind a lens. For sure it helps my nerves and really helps me feel more present. Having great lighting is an added perk! Sharing a few of my faves from this weekend.

Saturday night we headed to a little town about 20 minutes away to attend a wedding. They turned a county fair expo hall into such a beautiful reception hall.

And I got some time with one of my favorites. This girl likes to boogie and I didn’t get to visit much because she spent most of the night dancing!

Sunday was full of church, laundry and a teeny bit of shopping. I will be honest, I’ve been on a bit of a struggle bus recently and just can’t seem to get a grip. I’m 100% sure it’s hormonal but I just cannot seem to shake it. Last week I just couldn’t pull myself together enough to be present in this space. Definitely just part of “growing up” but feeling this way has not been a favorite.
Back to school and work tomorrow! The show must go on right? We have a girls weekend coming up this coming weekend and the next week Keith & I are heading to Miami. Definitely looking forward to both!
Wishing you a all a super week!
And also weekending with B Loves Boston.