The Queen’s Chronicles – Spill the Tea
The Queen’s Chronicles is my favorite way to keep a little scrapbook of all we have been doing so I thought I’d go ahead and spill the tea on our weekend because it was an exciting one!

The Cougars are in the playoffs and after a very heart pounding last 50 seconds of the game, they pulled off another win! They will play in the semi finals this coming weekend at the Alamo Dome in San Antonio. So exciting! And while I do love to watch football, I really love watching this girl cheer on her team in the stands. Gosh I just love her personality and confidence soooo much!

On Sunday we heded to the annual National Charity League tea. National Charity League is an organization of moms and daughters who serve the community together but it is also an opportunity for the girls to learn alot about leadership, etiquette, etc. We loved wearing some holiday looks and socializing with our friends.
Carly and Holden have been friends since birth and are 6 months apart but in different grades. Holden will graduate this year and head off to the University of Memphis so we are soaking up all the lasts together.
This dress was a find at Sabi Boutique here locally and Carly fell in love with it. I fell in love with the price but truly wasn’t sure it wass something she would wear more than once until we decided it could work with boots. So while the dress was only $60….we splurged and also got the boots which are suppose to be a Christmas gift. :). There are only a few pair of the white boots left on sale but I also found a similar pair of the same brand on sale at Dillards here and here.

We also failed to document at all but had a sweet girls night over at my daughter Jordan’s house while all the boys were gone fishing. Carly & I brought dinner and we watched Christmas movies while she decorated the tree. She has her house fixed up so cozy and warm and it just made my heart so happy to see her creating a home!
Christmas shopping is really close to being checked off and I’m trying to soak up the sweetness of the holiday season. Hope you have a great week too!