The Queen’s Chronicles – Peace & Joy
We have had a somewhat full calendar but it has all been good and surprisingly I haven’t felt too overwhelmed. Of course that might be because I haven’t wrapped any gifts and really don’t know what I do and do not have at this point. Ignorance is bliss they say. I do like to keep a little chronicle of our lives as a little scrapbook here on the blog so here is todays Queen’s Chronicles – Peace & Joy

We took our family pictures a few weeks back and I forgot to share this little gem from my phone. This little angel wasn’t feeling great and would not take any individual pics for the photographer but she did let me snap a couple. Here outfit was so darn cute! She has just gotten so big and is so much fun right now.

Haisley had a little dance performance and of course we all turned out to watch. We were so proud of her for making it onto the stage and making it through with no tears. Maybe next time she will actually have the courage to also dance. Ha! She was the best dressed girl of course.

Keith & I had his work Christmas party at the Lost Pines Hyatt outside of Bastrop and enjoyed a free night away. We laughed because not only were we headed to our room at 10:45 but some of his young employees passed us in the hall and felt the need to “straighten up.” We are now the old folks!
I bought this jacket last year but have never found a way to wear it but when we were at a party earlier this month, someone had it paired this way so I decided to try it out. It turned out perfect and I added my “wedding” shoes that I still love to complete the look.

We grabbed breakfast on our way out at Maxines cafe & bakery in downtown Bastrop and it was so good. They had a darling little downtown area with several boutiques. My sister lives there now so I am trying to find a way to make my way back over.

Carly & I attended the annual tea for National Charity League for the last time. One more last to check off of our list. It was a barbie theme this year hence the hot pink!

The strutters had their Christmas party with lots of food, laughs and a white elephant exchange. They also broke into their leader groups to build gingerbread houses and Carly’s group is the Pink Ladies so of course they used lots of pink to decorate.

Carly was also chosen as one of the CSISD Hall of Fame students! Each year the Education Foundation asks high school teachers to select outstanding seniors based on integrity, leadership, dedication to school, and positive attitude. Only 6% of College Station I.S.D. graduating seniors are chosen for this district-wide honor. Carly chose a teacher who has influenced her and they will both be honored at a banquet in the spring. We are so proud of her!

I couldn’t help but snap this picture during church yesterday. I just loved how her little hands were resting on his. A few minutes later our girl was sound asleep and snoring!

Finally have the house decorated and have been enjoying the lights.

Today I have a colonoscopy scheduled so yesterday was a fun day of prep. I had a colonoscopy five years ago with the traditional prescription drink and this time it was an over the counter prep. If you have the option, this is the way to go!! This was so much more gentle and tolerable. I am a huge proponent of preventative care but this procedure in particular is top on the list. My dad died at 58 from colon cancer only a short 60 days after being diagnosed. A colonoscopy at 50 would have no doubt extended his life. I’m very hopeful it will be another clean test and I can wait 10 years before my next one. If you are 45 or older and have not scheduled your colonoscopy, it brings lots of peace of mind and it truly isn’t that bad at all.
I cannot wait to eat something yummy when I’m all done today! Hope you have a great week.