The Queen’s Chronicles – Life Lately
It’s hard to believe August will be over tomorrow! It has been a jampacked month and also one of my busiest months at work so forgive me if I dump all the fun here in one post. The Queen’s Chronicles is a way fo rme to document what we have going on to have as a mini scrapbook. Ready? Let’s go!

Carly kicked off August, literally with the Strutter kick start camp. One of the biggest fundraisers for the team is to host a camp. for little girls and this year they hosted 75 ages 5-12. One of my instagram friends poted this sweet picture of her daughter with Carly.

The girls definitely had fun with the camp and then moved right into two full days of learning the choreography for the season. I’ve been amazed at how much these girls have to learn from field routines to pep rally routines to the things they do during the game in the stands.

We also moved Dillon into his first real apartment! After not even being able to see his dorm last year I wasn’t missing out on this. I would really still like to do a little more “decorating” but it will do for now. Dillon has taken a different path this year after figuring out Rice University wasn’t the best fit for him. I’m hoping this transition to San Jacinto College will give him the year he needs to decide on the next step forward.

Carly also volunteered a total of 31 hours this summer with National Charity League. Of course, we didn’t log any hours together but I’m thrilled she was able to spend some time doing something she’s passionate about.

And we have been trying to do as much of this as possible! Carly is suppose to get her license in September but we still have some drive time to complete.

We are LOVING this new little business a little too much! I’ve shared Threads Boutique (QUEEN20 for a disount) many times here on the blog and this boss babe has opened up yet another win. The SOCO dry bar is literally less than a mile from our house and I may have bought a membership! This week we are thrilled that her second boutique, Suede, will open right next door to the dry bar.

Carly started her 1st day of sophomore year! First day of school they were able to have a normal start to the day but she typically starts her day in the dance room at 6:45am. These girls work so hard!

We ended the week with pedicures and a weekend with our Haisley girl. This was the first time she has come to stay the weekend with us and we may have been just a little excited!

After a sushi date we let her run around this little grassy area and she was so funny chasing her shadow and “talking” to anyone around her. She is the sweetest thing and so friendly!

We just love this little girl so much! Every single thing they say about being a grandparent is true. She is such a joy and I just cannot get enough of her budding personality. Every time I think she cannot possibly get any cuter she does. She is very intent and very busy so it’s hard to get any still shots of her!

Ahh…and then we had Strutter pictures and I got to see my girl dressed up in what they refer to as “full sparkle”. Y’all, I can’t! She is just the cutest thing and seeing that smile on her face makes me so happy. Carly tried out for Strutters before her Freshman year and didn’t make it. The tryouts were completely virtual during the lockdowns that spring and it was just weird to be learning a dance by video and turning in a recording of yourself. I’m not saying she would have made it had it been a live tryout but the combination of the situation at the time and learning she didn’t make felt so hard. The bright side is I think she appreciates this so much more now. She worked hard this last year and I’m just so proud of her! We can’t wait to see her perform each week.

If you are still around you get a big star! I’m still struggling with where I want this blog thing to go. While I don’t really want to give it up completely, I do really want it to be meaningful. For me this means not forcing a post just to have a post. Keith and I do have our 20th anniversary trip to Glacier National Park coming up this coming weekend so hopefully I’ll be recapping that in September!
Wishing you a beautiful week!