The Queen’s Chronicles – Holiday Spirit
Well, after an unintentional blogging break I’m back with a round up of The Queen’s Chronicles with some holiday spirit. I visited my mom over Thanksgiving and wasn’t feeling well when I left which caused my foggy brain to leave my computer. So it’s been a little quiiet around here on the blog but don’t worry….real life has not been boring!

Yep, Friday night lights are still going on over here. The College Station High School Cougars are headed to the state playoff game in Dallas this Friday and we are so excited. They will be playing at AT&T stadium and the girls are so excited about performing there.

Keith and I dressed up for a date night to our favorite Christmas party of the year. We met this friend group 20 years ago and as life sometimes has it, we love each other dearly but rarely have the chance to get together. We love catching up with everyone at this party!

Typically we reserve the 1st Monday of the month for dinner to catch up but our schedules have been crazy. Instead of missing our time together, we jumped in the car in our pjs, grabbed chick-fil-a and rode around looking at Christmas lights, listening to Christmas tunes and chatting non stop! No need to be fancy with these friends!

Carly and I made a quick overnight trip to my moms this past weekend to help her celebrate her 76th birthday! One thing this crazy disease hasn’t stolen is her excitement over being celebrated. She was so happy to have us with her.
After lunch we pulled out her Christmas tree and the rest of her decorations and got her in the Christmas spirit. My nephew, Myles, came over to help us too and my mom loved showing him all her special ornaments.

My sweet niece is performing in a production of White Christmas at the local theatre and we were excited to go watch. She was awesome! I was so incredibly proud of her as she sang and performed in several tap dance routines. Her smile was so bright the entire time and I was moved to tears at how joyful she was. My cousin and my sister also came to celebrate mom’s birthday so we had a fun night!

Carly and I rushed back to College Station on Sunday to attend The National Charity League tea. This is our 4th year as members of this mother/daughter group and I love this special time with my girl. Of course it always is a plus when our besties are members too!

This week we have something booked every single night and several days at lunch! All good, fun things but it is a little overwhelming to know there is no free time. We are definitely being given so many chances to get in the Christmas spirit and are trying to soak it up!
Hope your December is off to a spirited start!