The Queen’s Chronicles – Halloween Week
The best weeks for me are the ones with lots of friends and family and this last week was good for the soul. The Queen’s Chronicles is my favorite way to document our happenings and Halloween week was definitely one I don’t want to forget!

Carly had her friend Holden over for some pumpkin fun and they decided they wanted to paint pumpkins instead of carving. Jordan also came over to spend the night as they were having some work done at their house and we had fun carving out a few spooky pumpkins! I cooked chili and it was a really good night.

Friday night lights continue to be one of our favorite things and this past Friday Carly had some of her biggest fans show up to support her. Haisley is obsessed with aunt Car Car and asks for her every time she sees us. She was mesmerized by the halftime show and so excited to see aunt Car Car after.
Haisley reminds me so much of her daddy at this age. She definitely takes in every thing going on around her. Of course hopefully she won’t be quite the goofball….if you look closely in our group pic you will see Riley has rabbit ears on Carly. Some things never change!
And our besties also came out to watch which always just means so much!

Carly checked off another first this weekend as she headed out with some friends to her first concert. I was out of town visiting my mom and she was not too happy with the 11 o’clock curfew her dad would not budge on but she survived!

Halloween was a hit because this little family knocked it out of the park with their costumes! My daughter-in-law bought a sewing machine recently and this was her first project. I’m super impressed with how well she did and they just looked so cute!

So that wraps up October which seemed to just fly right by. Welcome to November and all the hype leading up to the holidays. I always get a little wrapped around the axle this time of year and made a note to self to make an appointment with my therapist just to get myself grounded and add a few extra coping tools! Never can hurt to have a little help getting my feelings in order before things get a little crazy.
Looking forward to celebrating all the things I’m thankful for this month!