The Queen’s Chronicles – Fall Weekending
We had a rather slow weekend with picture perfect Texas weather which was such a nice treat. Friday kicked off with fall fest at Carly’s school where she had to work “Christian Cornhole” for FCA before enjoying the haunted house fun.
Keith and I took the opportunity to start the weekend with a date to one of our fave new restaurants. Of course we failed to remember it was an Aggie game weekend and ended up sitting at the bar to eat but it was still a nice start to the weekend to have a little time one on one.
On Saturday Dillon had the ACT first thing and then the boys headed off to hang out at the deer lease with some friends and Carly and I began preparing for her to have some dance friends over for a little pumpkin carving.

Last week Andrea at Momfessionals showed off her spookey charcuterie so we decided to take her lead. We kept it fairly simple and threw in a spooky spider which Keith later informed us isn’t even possible as they don’t have skeletons. Ha! I will say the combo of the candy corn and peanuts is right on. While I do like candy corn it’s always so sweet on it’s own and this combo is just the right amount of salty and sweet.

These girls cleaned out their pumpkins and carved them all on their own. I was super proud of them! Lots of giggling and silliness all night too.

They also painted some mini pumpkins which they were super proud of in case you can’t tell.

Sunday morning it was time for church and this jacket is quickly becoming one of my new favorite things! What’s not one of my favorite things is realizing my fall clothes aren’t fitting quite right due to the winter weight I never lost from last year! Oops! So it was an open flannel kind of day to the rescue.
Our pastor is in the second week of a series on anxiety titled Sever Anxiety. You can find the first week online here or checkout the verses they have put together here.

Carly and I headed to spend some birthday cash that was burning a hole in my pocket and this sweater was a win! I loved the colors but it is also so darn soft! I’m fairly confident I grabbed the last one but also tried this cutie which was also super soft and cozy. Use code QUEEN15 for a little discount.

Carly also found a few favorites! This seems to be a new favorite thing to do for us….could be dangerous!

I wanted something fresh for my nails and have been seeing lots of fall looks. The pinky/peach color didn’t turn out quite as dark as I inteneded but other than that I’m kind of crazy about the colors. Pretty sure i’m going back tomorrow to have my toes done in the navy.

Keith and I enjoyed a little patio time while we waited for the instant pot to cook up some yummy chilly. This weather gives me all the feels and I could just stay outside the entire day.

Typically I just look up a chili recipe online to get a good seasoning combo, add some tomato sauce, beef broth and a can of beer. It turned out so yummy and perfect for this time of year. We served it up over fritos of course with a little cilantro and I added avocado. It was so good!
It’s going to be another week full of fall temps and as if that isn’t exciting enough, I’m also meeting up with some blog friends in Austin! You may remember last year I met up with these ladies in Nashville for the first time ever in person. Well the 2nd annual meetup is happening in my home state and I am so glad to see the weather will be cooperating! We have some fun planned and I’m sure we will be sharing in our stories so you can follow along.
I hope you are having some beautiful fall weather whereever you are! Wishing you a beautiful last week of October!