The Queen’s Chronicles – Closing Out Summer
The Queen’s Chronicles are a quick way for me to tie together our happenings and keep a little scrapbook for my family. Here is a little update on our last week as we close out summer!

Carly Jo headed back to school on Wednesday to start her junior year! Hard to believe this last little bird is so close to launching. I’m so proud of her for so many things right now but the biggest is how she has continued to stay true to herself.

Last year Carly and I did not make serving together a priority and I’ve made it a goal that we serve together at least once a month this year in National Charity League. So far we are off to a much better start and had so much fun serving for Aggieland Pregnancy at their mama club event.

I’m not sure these pics need any words for you to just feel the joy. After a really long and stressful few months at work, I took the day off to just keep this girl and soak up her sweet little spirit. We headed to the splashpad and it took her a little bit to decide to jump in but once she did it was all fun. She has grown so much this year and is just so smart and funny. Her parents are both super witty so I don’t know why it shocks me but this kid already knows how to joke around. I can’t get enough of her!

Keith and I celebrated our 21st annivesary on August 3rd and finally headed to dinner to celebrate on Friday. He was on a fishing trip on our actual anniversary but I forgave him when he brought home lots of fresh tuna. I never dreamed marriage in midlife could be so good but this guy and I are in a really sweet spot right now and I’m not mad about it.
This week willl be our first high school football game and that means I will get to see Carly Jo and her team perform for the first time! They have new uniforms this year and I can’t wait to see their routine. It will be a long trip to the Dallas area so I’m going to make a day out of it and catch up with a couple of friends on Saturday. Carly will stay with me after the came and we hope to go homecoming dress shopping before heading back home.