The Queen’s Chronicles – Catching Up
It appears I just need to accept things are never going to slow down around here! Since this little blog also serves as a bit of a family scrapbook, I thought I better do a little catching up with a post to The Queen’s Chronicles!

Finally y’all, finally we made it to see this kid play this year! The last time I saw him live on the mound was last August when we were in Fresno. This has been a long, long season with a large portion spent on the injured list for bursitis of all things. We are very thankful it was not a more serious issue.

After being picked up in the year 5 draft by the Marlins and spending spring training and most of the spring on their IL, he was put on waivers as he worked his rehab assignment in New Orleans in late June. So he is once again back with the Astros organization which we will not be complaining about since he’s only a quick 90 miles from home!

We checked off Dillon’s well check! He is > 99th percentile for height…go figure. The doctor did tell him the biggest issue they are seeing with teens is vaping.

Aggie gameday is always fun and these two were so excited to twin with their new maroon tube tops! The Aggies got a big fat win on a Thursday night.

Friday night lights is also back! Dillon doesn’t play football and even though Colby plays for the opposing school we headed out to support!

My friend Holly and I met when we were pregnant with these two and our families have grown to be “framily” over the last 18 years. We are so proud of these two!

I mean….just look at what a quick 8 years looks like!!! Hard to believe by this time next year they will be in college!

Carly and her adorable friend Clara go to different schools too and had not seen each other over the summer much so a little girls day out with a little shopping was in order.

Y’all, I love nothing more than having all of my babies under one roof, even if it’s for a hot minute! Riley happened to have a day off and came home for the night and Jordan was over visiting before leaving for Italy.

We may have spent the majority of time with them all in one place trying to get ONE picture!! Love them all so much….my whole heart!

Carly and I missed out but Dillon was there to support again on week two!

I always think I could rock dark hair but then I head in for a highlight and know I really am just blonde at heart. Now if only I could fix it the same way my stylist does!

Finally getting back to the gym! It has been so hard to get up in the mornings but I truly feel so much better when I can knock this out early and know it’s DONE for the rest of the day. It’s been a few years since I’ve added weight training and it was time but so hard to get back to it.

Jordan headed to Italy for a wedding she was standing in so her pup is with us while she’s gone. Can you spy Pesto? She loves bedding down in our pillows. I picked up this Hello Pumpkin pillow at Jo Ann’s to add a little fall love to our bedroom and I’m loving it.

Carly Jo and I logged some hours for National Charity League working at a fiesta dinner for Elizabeth House – a local maternity home.

These girls were so cute and willing to do anything that was asked of them! Even during some down time I found them in the lobby playing duck, duck, goose with some restless kids!

These three planned a movie date to see Lion King and lunch after. How is she so big already? I drug them off for a little shopping too!

Sunday afternoon I needed to sit down and work on getting a little organized so I drug this girl with me to a local coffee shop with her homework.

And of course there was a little quiet time. I’m still following along with the Chronological Bible in a year plan but have fallen behind quite a bit. It’s definitely hard to catch up on the old testament. When I finished Isaiah this weekend and realized I’ve completed 22 books of the bible this year it definitely gave me a push to keep going!
If you ever wanted to do a full reading of the bible, I cannot recommend this plan more. Following along daily with The Bible Recap podcast has really added to my comprehension so much more than if I was doing this alone. The New Testament starts on October 1st so if you are up for it I would highly suggest jumping in!
Okay, whew, that’s all for catching up! We are seriously halfway through the 1st week of school and this week the full schedule of dance starts back up. It will be a busy one!
Wishing you all a super week ahead!
Linking up with Hello Monday with Heather, Johanna, Lindsay & Tanya