The Queen’s Chronicles – Blessings
Christmas is two days away and I’m nowhere near ready as not one gift is wrapped. This morning I will be pulling together a Christmas eve menu, finishing up some baking and hopefully tying up the gifts. There is nothing like the last minute for sure!
It has definitely been a December to remember and it was not really how I saw my year tying up at all. If you are new around here, I do like to use this space as a bit of a family scrapbook as well so here’s a peak into The Queen’s Chronicles full of some sweet blessings!

Each year we participate in Blessings in Bags which is coordinated by my friend Holly. We pull together 3600 bags of food to send home with 1800 families for the holidays. It is quite the undertaking but she has it organized so well that the day of always seems so smooth!
The families are identified through the school district and each family receives 2 bags of food to help supplement over the holidays. I love seeing our community come together for this event!

If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my stories surrounding my Mamaw. On December 5th she fell at her assisted living home and was lifeflighted to Houston with a head injury. Upon arriving I found her with a fractured wrist, fractured foot and a hemotoma in her head not responding to medicine. She underwent emergency surgery to stop the bleeding and began her recovery.
After a week of traveling back and forth to the medical center in Houston, I was able to secure a spot at a skilled nursing facility here in College Station for her where I can more easily supervise her care. She has settled in somewhat but is not able to get up and move around on her own and we have since found her pelvis is also fractured which complicates her rehab more.
She also has dementia and, while she knows me, her short term memory is extremely short and it seems even more effected since the surgery. Thankfully she is peaceful but it just stinks to see her this way. I’m hopeful God will pour some mercy out on her and at least allow her bones to heal to the point she can be a little more self suffcient again but right now I don’t see her going back to the same living facility any time soon.

Last Monday the bigger shock for the month was waking up to my husband feeling very sick. I promise I will do a bigger post on symptoms, etc soon but the short of it is he was having a heart attack. I’m grateful for so many things but the blessing that this happened at home and not while he was driving to work two hours away was huge. We literally live less than 2 miles from the hospital and he was there quickly.
The picture above shows the blockage pre and post stent and as you can see it was pretty much completely blocked. He is lucky! So here we are post heart attack with lots of new medicines to take and a new low sodium, low cholesterol diet to research!

We celebrated our first family Christmas on Saturday and I was happy to have my entire crew with me. For whatever reason it was a very emotional day for me. I just love this crew so much and we are just so excited to know our pack will grow in 2020!

There are like 23 great grandchildren on the Janac side of the family and Dillon is the 3rd oldest. The little ones LOVE him! He’s going to be an amazing uncle.
Several years ago I wrote a post about Keith’s sweet cousin who lost her husband leaving her with 4 little girls. Weeks after his death she found out she was expecting and the unplanned joy was this little cutie pie below. Joanna Joy (Jo Jo) truly is just a little bundle of joy bouncing around.

So there you go….that’s what we have been up to! The house is decorated, the gifts need to be wrapped and I did not pull together a Christmas card but we are blessesd beyond measure and have so much to be thankful for this year. I’m looking forward to a little “all is calm, all is bright” to close out the month!
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!