The Queen’s Chronicles – Albuquerque Roadtrip
We have been burning up the highways this summer and let’s just say we have all come to an agreement that we will be flying for our next getaway! Our latest adventure took us on a Roadtrip to Albuquerque, New Mexico which gave us a little break from the Texas humidity we are normally use to. Lot’s of pictures but I promise there is some beauty here if you think Albuquerque might be in your future!

Since June 27th Dillon has been on the road for baseball and has only been home a few days here and there. We went to pick him up in Dallas and ran back to pack for our Albuquerque trip.
As much as they may try to hide it…these two are very close. Carly pretty much thinks all of her big siblings hung the moon and she is their biggest fan.

We packed up our bags and settled in for some Roadtrip Fun. I knew it would be a mistake introducing Keith to our game of Cows on Your Side becuase he is uber competitive….I was correct!

We settled into our hotel and then met up wtih friends for dinner. Church Street Cafe was a suggestion from a blogger I found and it did not disappoint. It was so cute and the food was yum.

You must know going in the Mexican food served in Albuquerque is authentic Mexican and not what we typically see in Texas. I had zero complaints with this dinner though! It was amazing.
One thing to note in Albuquerque and New Mexico in general, they love some green chile on EVERYTHING!

After our second day of baseball games we had some extra time to explore. The goal was to head to Sandia Peak to ride the tram. We arrived and the wait was long enough we didn’t feel we would have ample time at the top so instead we hiked around and explored the Cibola National Forest a bit.

These guys actually found a bear cave and could not have been more proud of themselves.

The sunset was amazing!! It made everything glow and it was beautiful watching the sky change colors as it continue to set.

Get to know your baseball families! It will make long days at the ballpark much more fun to have mommas you love hanging out with. Catherine and I have spent alot of time cheering on the boys! And she is equally as fun “off the field”.

Clearly I’m not a food blogger for a reason, but, y’all, the Owl Cafe was a major win for us! The burgers were totally homemade and delicious. I grabbed a patty melt with fried jalepeno slices and who the heck knows what kind of sauce but I can just tell you it was WORTH IT.
The restaurant was adorable and when the boys asked for sweet tea the waitress was like “well…we don’t have sweet tea but I’ll make y’all some”. #service

The girls decided we could not pass up the chance to ride the Sandia Peak Tram although we were a tad bit nervous after some other parents told us it had a little “swing and sway”. The picture of the tram is shown below and this little car is a bit deceiving as it holds 45 passengers….on a cable people!!

Thankfully I’m only mildly afraid of heights but when we crossed the first peak and I was thinking were pretty much at the top and saw how much further we had to go across a deep canyon it freaked me out just a tad! If you care to see the beautiful scenery you can hop over ot the insta-story highlights!

Carly took a little coaxing to sit even this close to the edge because “it could fall”. I layed on the rock on my stomach and looked over because someone told me the view was amazing. Give me the full experience!

The temps were quite a bit cooler and it was way windier at the peak. It felt amazing but I think as the wind picked up we were all a little concerned with how much we might feel that on the way down!

The flip side of the mountain contains the ski lifts and a totally different view.

The sun was setting as we were leaving and, while still a beautiful view, the clouds were heavy. The sunset we saw the day before as much more vibrant.

Every good morning on vacation should start off with something this insanely delicous and awful for you right? Holy land of butter! This cinammon roll was shared with the table but I’m pretty sure I ate my fair share before also devouring my breakfast.
Carly’s breakfast burrito stuffed with hashbrowns, bacon, egg and cheese was seriously the winner at Frontier Restaurant. This place didn’t look like much on the outside but they servied a mean breakfast!

Dillon is a pitcher only and while we LOVE watching baseball, typically once he is “pitched out” for the tourney we are free to leave. We stayed through Saturday monrning, watched and early game and then packed up and hit the road.

Not before stopping really quick to have yet another burger at the Route 66 Diner! I loved this fun wall full of signs.

Every the outdoorsman, we made a pit stop a few hours down the road to fish a little clear water dam area. My boys can fish for hours even when they aren’t catching or keeping anything!

Back on the raod and we hit the border just before the sun began to set!

Ahh….a pit stop on my road trip list! While I stopped at Cadillac Ranch a few years back on a roadtrip with Riley, these two hand’t seen it so we made a super quick pit stop.

All you need to know about Cadillac Ranch is it’s a little art installation of cars buried in a field off the highway. You can take your own spray paint and leave your mark too. Please, please clean up after yourself though!! I was so disapointed to see the amount of trash just left on the side of the road and all the way up to the cars.

Quick night in a hotel in Vernon, Texas and we made the remainder of the drive on Sunday morning. Baseball has definitely taken me so many places I’m not sure I would have ever picked to visit!