The Queen’s Chronicles – A Joyful Week
Some weeks are just a little sweeter than others and sometimes it is not an extravagant vacation or special event that makes it that way. This week was a joyful week for us full of ordinary things. Work has finally slowed down a bit and I’m not feeling as stressed which definitely brings more joy. Everyone is back to school and Friday night lights are back which hopefully signals mother nature that fall can come soon!
Here are just a few pictures of our joyful week!

Our Haisley Grace headed back to preschool! She made a sweet friend on day one of course and didn’t want to put her lunchbox down. Day two she was a little shy and didn’t want mom and dad to leave her but I’m guessing she will settle in quickly. No doubt they will all love her!

Dillon’s sweet girlfriend made sure he had a first day picture for his mom! He is shifting gears this year and headed to Blinn here in town.

Carly’s big sis in Strutters was revealed to her! She was only told to dress for a safari…the theme was Jurassic park. This cracked me up!

Last year, Carly and I barely volunteered together at all for National Charity League and I barely got my required hours. We decided to be much more intentional this year and have enjoyed our time together serving at The Bridge Ministries. We have both already fulfilled our requirements for the year but have committed to serving at least one time a month together for the rest of the year. I love staying connected with her this way!

The first Friday of football season and the Strutters are ready for their first performance. They actually had a Saturday game but dressing up and representing on Friday is a thing!

Friday night was probably what filled my heart to the brim! All of my babies at my house for dinner. I kept it simple with pizza and salad and break and bake cookies. Haisley is always ready for cookies and loves having the undivded attention of her aunties!

Game time on Saturday! Loved watching these girls perform. They rocked their first pom routine and the stadium in Allen was definitely a treat to visit.

On Sunday we had brunch with one of my best friends from college. We met 32 years ago and may only see each other once every year or so but always pick up where we left off. Love her so much!

And yesterday marked 18 years since my daddy received his wings. He has missed so much and he is missed so much. It’s crazy to think I’m only 5 years away from his age when he died. This is how I will always remember him. He loved him some coffee all day long! Colon cancer is a thief so be sure to schedule your colonoscopy when it’s time.
Looking forward to another week with a few fun activities including a home football game! Hope you have a super week.