Thankful Thursdays {When}

I am thankful….
When Wednesday arrives and my favorite photographer will be taking our family pictures! I try to do this at least every other year and I am thankful that all my kids and the hubs cooperate because they know how important it is to me! I am thankful when I see these pictures and how much they have changed in a short two years it makes me really appreciate the time we have together.
When Thanksgiving Day arrives and I make my Meme’s dressing for my family and friends. I actually enjoy cooking and when I pull out her recipe card it brings back so many great memories. I remember when she cooked she did it all by memory and taste so when I asked her to write it down this is what I got! I use her recipe as a guide but I actually do the exact same thing and would have no idea the exact measure for each ingredient. When she cooked she wanted to do it all herself and she made a huge mess of her kitchen and I am also guilty of these same traits. Cooking was one of her very favorite things to do and when she saw people enjoy her food it made her so happy (me too…me too!!).
When we gather for a holiday together and time actually seems to slow down if only for a bit. There is conversation and laughter and reminiscing and just loving on each other.
When the weekend ends and my heart is full of thanksgiving for all of the blessings that have been given to me.
Those pictures look so great from last year! I can't wait to see what this years turn out like!
So many amazing "when"s to be thankful for! What a blessing to be with family!!! Thank you so much for linking up with us! I love your blog!
Thank you so much for hosting the link up Katie!
Love this post! I can't wait for WHEN Thursday rolls around and we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with our families!
I absolutely love your list! That recipe looks a lot like the ones I have from my grandma! What a cherished memory! Thanks so much for linking up with us! oh…and you have a super adorable family! Blessings!!
Thank you Jamie! And Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Great post, Shelly! You look like your mom! And what a great gift from your MeMe in her own handwriting, too! Priceless!
Thanks Laura….I get that alot! 🙂
Such beautiful family photos! There is something so special about having handwritten recipes from loved ones. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I love this list! My grandmother wrote down some of her recipes for me as well. I don't see her often because of distance but it makes me smile every time I see her hand writing. You have a beautiful family. So glad you linked up with us. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. 🙂