Texas Spring
What does spring look like where you live? Better yet, has your state gotten the memo that it truly is spring? Well, today I’m sharing a little of what spring looks like for us in Texas!

It’s my favorite time of year to drive around on our highways! The wildflowers are blooming and blanket the ground creating the most beautiful pictures. It’s not often I run across a patch with this many colors co-mingled together and it made me almost giddy!

Everything is blooming and it is just such a reminder of new life! Sometimes it seems like the grass and the leaves on the trees turn green over night.

Of course all of this also means major pollen is in the air which can sometimes wreak havoc on my allergies. Last week was no bueno for me and I ended up with a sinus infection. Always such a bummer because the weather could not be more perfect this time of year and it’s the perfect time to be outdoors.

I brought a little spring into the house too with some simple touches here and there. Fresh cut tulips are always my favorite to add around the house in spring.

Laura shared her tiered tray yesterday and and I finally pulled mine together too! The only new thing I purchased was this He is Risen block. I have really tried to stick with what I have this year and so far so good! When Jordan & Riley were little my Mamaw let them pick out the teeny bunny figurines from Hobby lobby and I love that memory.

Not going to lie, my entryway is still one of my favorite spaces after updating the wallpaper last year and adding a gallery wall. I really still need to share the before and afters with y’all!

Of course, spring in Texas also means baseball and competition dance season so we spend many, many nights at the ballpark and weekends away dancing. Thankfully we manage to find a few beautiful Sundays to throw some meat on the grill and fight off the mosquitoes enough to enjoy the beautiful temps on the porch.
How do you do spring where you live? A few of the Blended Blog sisters are sharing some spring inspiration and you can start the hop by visiting Lana.