Sweet Arrival

My beautiful girl has become a momma and it was so sweet to watch. Every time I was pregnant my mom worried so much the entire time and I never quite understood why. I totally get it now! While I wouldn’t say I worried the entire pregnancy, I definitely felt differently having my daughter carrying a little one compared to how I felt when Riley became a dad. She is still my baby!

I may have taken for granted all that goes into growing a healthy baby. after having four rather routine pregnancies, so when Jordan began to have some symptoms that were cause for a little closer monitoring, I jumped into momma bear mode. As her due date crept closer, she began retaining fluid and ultimately ended up being diagnosed with preeclampsia with a scheduled induction 3 weeks early.

I’ve never been so happy to see her face as I was after I knew she and baby were safe! They managed to keep the gender a surprise the entire pregnancy which was impressive given the number of sonograms they had and they also didn’t share the names they were considering. Y’all, I was dying for just a little nugget of info but was definitely proud of myself for never prying!!

Our first grandson, Jaxson Mark, was born at 12:48am on September 26th weighing in at 5 pounds 1 ounce. He needed just a little help and was sent to the. NICU where he spent a few days before being released to go home. He is so tiny but doing so well and keeping his mom and dad on their toes as they adjust to being a family of 3. I am dying to get my hands on him and so excited about the adventures we will have one day.


  1. Oh Shelly, congratulations! This is so exciting! He is just perfect! And such a tiny little peanut! I’m so glad they’re both doing well.

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