Relationships Q&A
Relationships can be easy and fun but they can also be complicated and lots of work! I’m sharing a little relationship Q&A rounding up mine! Join The Blended Blog Asks for this monthly series.

One | The day I walked into 1st grade I met a strong willed girl with the blondest hair I’d ever seen and she immediately decided I was going to be her best friend. We became inseparable but in 2nd grade her parents divorced and she moved away. The distance could not tear Keisha & I apart and we actually served in each other’s weddings and still keep in touch all these years later.

Two | My circle is pretty amazing! Being able to surround myself with a tribe who lift me up and support me when I struggle has been huge for me. In midlife I realized quality over quantity applied to my circle too and I stopped trying to fit people inside the circle who really did not bring me joy.
Three | I’ve shared our love story before and let’s just say it’s no big fairytale. Keith and I met….at a bar. It was hard not to notice him with those big dimples underneath a cowboy hat.

Four | Depending on what day Valentine’s day falls it is celebrated by showing a little extra love. Now that my kids are older there is less heart shaped candy but I will still partake in some punny Valentines or make heart shaped pancakes.

Five |My love language is, I think, the least exciting of them all! I definitely fall in to the acts of service love language. Keith and I are such opposites and it can be quite the challenge. His love language (unofficially) is quality time and he would love nothing more than to sit on the couch with me anytime we are home. I’m like….not unless the laundry is done buddy!
Six | Fresh flowers are always a favorite for me! This time of year just bring me all the tulips.

Seven | This year on my 49th birthday was probably it. My friend Holly is amazing at giving special gifts and she took note of me saying I always wanted one of those clear bubble umbrellas. But, y’all, she tied 49 strings underneath and from each one hung a tiny square printed with all the things she loves about me. It was seriously the most thoughtful gift straight from the heart.

What are some of your favorite things about your relationships?