Reading Lately – Summer Book Review
In May, my trusty Kindle began failing and I really, really didn’t want to spend the money on a new one. I realized really quickly I read more and save a lot more money with my Kindle and grabbed a new one during the prime deal days. “Real” books apparently do not fair well in my care as the paperbacks I purchaed in the interim were barely fit to pass along! There were definitely some worth sharing so here is a bit of what I’ve been reading lately for my summer book review.

Let’s Pretend This Will Work is an unexpected story of finding true love in unexpected places. Mimi is flightly and a bit naive but has a warm heart for loving others. Unfortunately she almost gives it away to the wrong guy. I loved this sweet story and the reminder that sometimes we think we know better than the universe how our story should end but are often pleasantly surprised when we give in to fate.

Abby’s books always have just the right blend of unresolved family trauma, a lighthearted love story and a build up of major sexual tension. Just for the Summer was another favorite I’ve read from her and of course it was a perfect summer read!

I enjoyed Summer Romance so much! A good “finding yourself” story is always a win for me and if a little summer romance is tossed in along the way then even better! This story is so wholesome and I was really cheering for all of the characters to have a happy ending and not just a summer romance. This was the second book I couldn’t put down this year!

I could not put First Lie Wins done! This was truly the first book I read in 2024 that I was willing to stay in pajamas all day for. It didn’t happen because life but I did manage to finish it in under 48 hours and that hasnt happened in awhile. The story bounces back and forth between real time and the years Evie has worked for the mysterious Mr. Smith. I wanted her to “get out” and have a chance at a happy life so badly but was only a little conflicted about her being able to murder someone. A little redemption for Evie in the end even though Lucca was lost made this a happy ending for me.
Currently I’m reading Funny Story by Emily Henry and it’s shaping up to be another win! What are you reading? Now that I have a new Kindle I really need to pump up my library holds list! Check out all my book reviews for more of my favorite reads.

I have had First Lie Wins on my shelf forever! Glad to hear you liked it. I rarely read a book in less than a week and I think I read Lucy Clarke’s One of the Girls in one weekend! You might like it – the setting (a Greek island) and different personalities made the book fly.
Thanks for the suggestion!