Reading Lately – July Book Review
In the month of July I added three new books to my list too bring my total read so far this year to 26. My goal is to read three books per month so I’m not far off from meeting that goal in 2022. Here is a look at what I’ve been reading lately for the July book review.

As I was raving about this read to one of my friends she questioned whether or not she could have this book lying around at home in fear it would be offensive to her husband. This is not a bash the husband book at all but I guess I could see her point. All the more reason to read this if you have a more passive husband! We have such a huge role as a wife to learn to love the man we married even when we don’t necessarily like him. Juli first wrote Finding the Hero in Your Husband earlier in her marriage and has revised and re-released. If you are like me and not satisfied with a good marriage but want an exceptional one, this is a great read.

This is a book about love and loss and the battle to try to become someone new while your heart cannot let go of something in your past. I loved the love story, the mystery and ending and couldn’t stop turning the pages. Just when I thought I had The Love of My Life all figured out there was a twist and I am always up for that.

If you have read People We Meet on Vacation and loved it, I would definitely add Book Lovers to your list. I giggled so many times at the witty banter between the two main characters. The characters were all developed so well and I really loved them all. I personally think it would make an adorable movie!
Last night I started Finlay Donovan is Killing It and already want to kick the ex-husband so I’d say we are off to a good start! Ha! What else do I need to add to my reading list?
You can find all my book reviews here! Happy reading!