New Year Motivation

Do you know what motivates you? Sure, in the new year I’m always motivated when I pickup some new workout clothes that make me feel cute! This set from Shop Avara definitely holds in all the momma rolls! It has built in pads in the top which I love because there is no searching for them or stuffing them back in after the wash. Looking cute is great but what is really your new year motivation? Have you even thought about it?
The older I get the more I realize that the old me who was motivated by money, a smaller body and praise from others was a little shallow and for sure set up for disappointment. Sure, money is a great motivator and a necessity but the problem comes when you define your worth based on the dollars alone. I’ve traded being motivated to sustain a smaller body with one that is healthier and more fit to do the things I want to do like hike on vacation and play on the floor with my grandaughter. I’ve erased that image in my head that has always told me what my body needed to look like to be worthy. And praise from others? Learning to praise myself and celebrate small wins instead of waiting for someone else to notice definitely changed my mindset.
It may take some trial and error to really figure out what motivates you. Choosing something to shoot for is great but how do you find the little building blocks each month you can focus on and then celebrate as you reach for that goal? Do you want to focus on your health? What are some baby steps you can identify each month to get you there? Is a vacation somewhere lovely on your mind? How can you make small changes in your budget each month to make it a reality? Do you feel more motivated overall by having less chaos at home? What daily changes can you make to create a little more order?
Last January I knew I wanted to focus on my health. I had been to the doctor and for the first time had blood work that was negative in regards to my cholesterol. My weight was the highest it had been outside of pregnancy and, while the number on the scale didn’t offend me, the amount of fat collecting around my middle did. I knew I needed to make a change but if you had asked me if a little star on a chart would motivate me to make one I would have laughed at you. I had been missing the rhythym of a steady workout routine and I loved my gym but I had zero accountability and no friends joining me so it made it really easy to pass. My body was also telling me it was time for a change. Finding pure barre became the motivation I needed to be consistent again and now here I am living for the stickers!

Being self-motivated is only half the battle! Finding a way to be disciplined about those things that matter is what you have to find. If not, when it’s 32 degrees outside you will never push yourself to workout. When your favorite influencer posts all the darling clothes ON SALE 50% OFF you will never stick to your budget and find a way to make your closet work for you! If you don’t take the extra minute to put things away, it will take you hours after days of slacking.
Have you considered what your new year motivation will be? Are you ready to look for some tools and change some habits to create enough discipline to make some changes? Reading Atomic Habits really set me up to make some positive changes and create some new habits to serve me and I’m motivated to keep them up because my stress is lower, my energy is higher and overall I feel more joy every day. I’d love to know what your motiviation is for 2023 and would love to support you along the way.