Nashville Blogger Meetup – Five on Friday
Welcome to The Queen in Between Blog and happy Friday! One of my favorite things every week is being able to interact with new people in this online world. It seems like with all the ugly out there finding other individuals who choose to lift each other up up can really make the days brighter. Well, this week I had the pleasure of heading to Nashville for a blogger meetup! I joined five other bloggers in music city and explored, we laughed, we shared some pieces of ourselves and our lives and got to know each other more intimately. It was a great week!
Today I thought I would just share these five ladies with you all because they are definitely a big favorite this week!
Imagine our surprise and giddy excitement when we all ended up dressed in outfits which coordinated so nicely! Then, as if that was not enough, we found a mural that worked perfectly too.
Living on Cloud Nine
Andrea of Living on Cloud Nine is a wife and boy mom to 3 from Indiana. She was the ring leader behind this get together and found a perfect Airbnb to bring us all together. I really don’t know where this lady gets her enthusiasm but let me tell you she is the best at celebrating life! She has the biggest heart and is the best gift giver. The best part of receiving something from Andrea is she is so stinking excited to see you open something! She leaves the sweetest comments and has to be the very best at responding to comments and leaving thoughtful comments for others. And y’all, after years she has finally decided to jump on the instagram train so go give her a follow!
The Horton Family Blog
Laura is a wife and mom to one teenager and lives the closest to me in her state of Louisiana. I’m fairly confident I have known Laura for the longest. We were trying to remember how we found each other in this online community and I feel sure it was through a Friday favorites linkup. We’ve been watching each others kids grow up and we have shared a snapchat or two. She is just cute as a bug in person and we had some seriously great laughs all for the sake of charcuterie boards! Her little southern accent is just cute as can be and even though she’s a loyal Alabama fan I still like her! We are both raising teenagers and that gives us LOTS of stuff to compare notes on.
Coast to Coast

As her blog title indicates, Lisa has moved from coast to coast literally. Originally from Richmond, VA, she now lives outside of San Francisco with her hubby but travels often from coast to coast. She has two adult children who both live in Nashville! I’m positive I found Lisa in some style linkup and we began leaving comments to one another and following along on social media. Having adult kids definitely gave us some things to talk about PLUS she is also a Rodan + Fields rep and loves their products too. You will find her sharing so many of her adorable looks from her finds at Loft and Nordstrom and even though she is petite her style works for me too many times! Oh, and she drug me right into a store and forced me to buy the best panties ever on our trip so yea! No more pickin’ for me.
This Blondes Shopping Bag

Sweet Kellyann is just a refreshing breath of fresh air. She is a wife and mom to two college boys living in Florida. With a background in counseling and guidance, you can imagine she if very open minded but not afraid to share her thoughts on any topic. My favorite is she shares her thoughts with grace and love behind them. I think like all of us do sometimes, Kellyann questioned what she really wanted to be when she grows up and made a slight career change this past year. I love that she was brave enough to make a big change midlife and she inspires me! If you hop over you will see her showing off her sassy style almost every day of the week.
Granola and Grace
This crunchy girl was the newbie for me. Until we started planning this trip I had never run across Chrissy before. She is a boy mom of four who just relocated from Georgia to Florida. She has a boho chic kind of style and the girl is so darn clever and funny! She had us all rolling with her insta-stories on our trip. You can imagine by her style she is super creative and I’ve loved following along and seeing what outfits she pulls together but also the story she weaves behind the scenes.
I’ll be sharing a full recap complete with all the things to do in Nashville next week for those of you planning a trip but if you just cannot wait to see all the fun, you can head to my instastory highlights!
Have a super weekend friends!
Linking with||Friday Favorites with Erika, Andrea & Narci, Friday Frivolity, High Five for Friday, The Blended Blog, Fab Friday and Awesome Life Friday