Joys & Intentions – April 2019
March was packed full with lots of fun and a teeny bit of uncertainty but we managed to make it through!

March Joys
My intentions for March are in bullets below; let’s see how the month shaped up!
- Continue the Chronological bible in a year plan!
- Read 3 books
- Travel on a roadtrip with the besties and a trip to Miami to see Riley
- Evaluate our budget and continue to track spending. Call and schedule a time to meet with a financial planner! Complete our taxes.
- Drop Direct TV and review cell phone plans
- Purge bathrooms and finish purging the kitchen. Donate items!
- Commit to 30 days of 10K steps per day and continue logging gratitude daily
- Deliver dinner to one family
Fell behind a few times but managed to catch back up with the bible in a year reading thanks to the Chronological app paired with the Bible Recap podcast. March saw the completion of Numbers, Deuteronomy and Joshua and the beginning of Judges. I’ve tried so many times to read the bible on my own and failed miserably so I’m feeling quite accomplished and enjoying growing my knowledge of and relationship with God.
Last week I shared my book review and it was full of fiction this month! I’m still working my way through It’s Not Supposed to be this Way and will surely finish in April.
We most definitely traveled on a roadtrip to Wimberley with our besties but most of you know our trip to Miami was put on hold. While we would have loved being with Riley, the free weekend was definitely a blessing.
Fail, fail, fail. While I may have evaluated our budget and tracked spending I sure didn’t use any of that information to create any accountability. The truth is we are flat out lazy in this area!! LAZY! I did meet with a tax person to discuss a few things to make sure I am not missing anything due to a few changes this year with Keith’s job but my taxes are STILL NOT FILED!! Does it count that I filed for my mom, my Mamaw and Riley already?!! The joy for sure is we have all we need!
I’m beginning to sound like a broken record here but, nope, literally zero purging was done in our house in March. ZERO! In fact, almost all the items needing donating from February are still sitting in boxes in my garage. I think the joy here is with the new housecleaner I’m feeling like things have stayed fairly orderly! Maybe I’ve just gotten that good at purging it is no longer a huge need.
I did not log gratitude one single day the entire month of March. Hmm….maybe that’s why I was feeling so blah? For those of you who remember to do this daily, give me some tips for remembering to log each day.
And I came so close to meeting my 10K a day goal with steps. In the end I was about 42K steps short. Seeing as how I was sick with a sinus infection for about 6 days I’m okay with it. My Fitbit reflected a 10% increase from February and I more than doubled the number of times I went to the gym so that is a win!
Y’all, I really, really think I took dinner to a family but for the life of me I cannot remember who it was! We were able to treat a sweet family to a meal so I’m going to say that counts!
March definitely included warmer days and can we just give some thanks for it staying light longer?!! It really does just make me feel like a new person.
April Intentions
- Continue the Chronological bible in a year plan!
- Read 3 books
- Celebrate Easter
- Complete our taxes.
- Drop Direct TV and review cell phone plans
- Commit to 30 days of 10K steps per day + add yoga 1-2 times per week
- Clean up yard and add new mulch to flower beds
- Have friends over for dinner
Baseball will see the end of the regular season of high school baseball and dance competitions will be checked off until June. I’m excited to see two weekends open on our calendar!
Hope your April is off to a great start!