My Tips for Enjoying a Half Marathon

For those of you out there who have always dreamed of running a half marathon I am here to tell you it is very attainable. While I do workout regularly, I am by no means a lean, mean machine. All it takes is a little commitment to have a great race day. After running two half marathons in 2012 and not really enjoying either one to the fullest, I decided I had to try again. Here are my tips to enjoying your half marathon!
{Trust Your Training}
Regardless of what training method you decide to use, create a plan and stick with it. On race day your adrenaline will be high and you will naturally want to push harder. I trained in intervals but the first two half marathons I ran I got so caught up in the excitement at the start of the race that I tried to just run. By mile 8 I was so done and then I struggled to even keep up with my interval pace. This time even though I had been training with others, they have a much faster pace and I knew I needed to stick to where I was most comfortable. The result was I felt strong the entire race.
{Buy a Foam Roller}
Yes it seems expensive but it is much cheaper than a weekly massage. Rolling out my muscles after training runs helped keep my muscles healthy. By releasing the lactic acid, the tightness in my muscles subsided much quicker which made me stay on track during the week with my runs. The first time I trained my muscles (especially my calves) would get so tight and the more I ran the worse it would get until I would end up skipping runs for recovery. I also developed a flaming case of Plantars Fasciitis and have finally realized keeping my calves from getting tight definitely keeps it at bay. Being able to keep up with training runs and stay healthy will definitely improve your race day experience.
{Alieve & Ice are Your Friends}
I do not really like taking medicine but I definitely have recurring Plantars as well as pain in my hips and by taking Alieve (or any anti-inflamatory) and icing for 20 minutes twice a day I kept these two issues from getting out of control. Icing takes time that I often do not have so I literally came in from my morning run, showered and then strapped ice packs to my feet while I was putting on my makeup. The first two half marathons I ran I used numbing oil and took Alieve pre-race and during the race just to make it through. It was terrible and all I could think about while I was running. By taking better care of my feet this time I was able to run without pain and enjoy the race.
{Find an Accountability Partner}
Y’all I have always been a loner when it comes to running. Whether it was the fear of not being able to keep up or just enjoying my time hitting the pavement alone I just always ran by myself. This time I was encouraged to do some running with a group and let me tell you the difference it made was incredible. On those super cold mornings when I would have otherwise stayed snuggled in my bed, I hit the pavement because I knew there were others waiting for me. I also think it helped me feel safer in those early morning hours which led to more consistent training runs. Even connecting with other runners along the way and reading about their experiences made a huge difference for me. Do you now that even experienced runners have days when they have a crappy ass run? Long runs are also a huge challenge for me and I would put these off so many times when I trained alone but having a group to meet up with on Saturday or Sunday morning to make an 8 or 10 mile run made all the difference for me.
{Friends & Family}
You NEED to have friends and family who support you during your training. Running a half marathon is not a huge deal but it does require a dedication and lots of time. Having my family behind me when I had to make those Saturday runs instead of stay snuggled up at home was huge. Nothing is more motivating on race day than when I see my family or a friend along the route…nothing! The very first time I ran a half marathon I went alone to San Antonio. Alone y’all! No friends, no family along because I was so afraid I would fail and I really didn’t want someone to witness that. Around mile nine I saw two little kids holding a sign cheering for their mom and I almost lost it. All I could think about was how hard I was working to finish the race and that no one was going to be there to hug me when I was done. You need to see the people you love along the course supporting you, high fiving you and celebrating your success with you!
{Find a Fun Race}
Finding a race with a great course (for me that reads flat) and a great community supporting the race will make it so much more fun. You want a race that is well organized and has plenty of water stops and port-a-potties along the way so you can relax and concentrate on the race. The signs you will read along the way from supporters are so much fun! Having tons of food and drinks and even live music at the finish line makes the experience even that much more exciting.
{A Great Playlist}
This is a matter of preference really but for me it is a necessary part of running. I have friends who would rather be lost in their thoughts but for me if I’m lost in my thoughts all I will be thinking about is how much further I have to go. I love picking music with a great beat! Even when I run with a group I keep one earbud in.
Carly Jo with me at the finish line in 2012 after the BCS half; time 2:36
For real this is my face at mile 10 when I see my family waiting for me!!
Two weeks before this race I was done and swore I would never do this again. If you have ever been pregnant and miserable at the very end and swore never again and then that sweet baby pops out and you are madly in love and in two weeks already thinking you could do it all over again….then you will understand this. I know I’m not done yet. Here are some things I want to do differently the next time.
- Follow the training schedule more consistently and find an alternate (like a treadmill) for days when it is raining.
- Learn more about nutrition for runners. I did not gain weight over the training period despite eating alot more high carb food than normal. It was kind of fun but I know I was not necessarily eating the “right” nutrition to create a running machine.
- Find a group to run with. Whether it is one person or 5 I need to know someone is meeting me some days just to get out of bed.
- Don’t sweat it. There will be good runs and bad runs but continuing to push forward is worth it. If I do miss a few runs because, hey, life happened it is okay.
- Believe in myself!
Carly Jo made her sign at least two months ago. I was happy to see her for the first time at mile 4!
If you have been wanting to check a 1/2 marathon off your bucket list what are you waiting for? You..Can…Do…It!!
Linking up today with….these fun bloggers!
Love, love, love the pic of you and Carly yesterday! So sweet! And, seriously LOLing that you are doing it again!
Congratulations! What an accomplishment. A Half is not on my bucket list, but a 5K is. I walk regularly, but want to step it up to running. I also have Plantar's issues, and I am going to try the ice after my walks. Thanks for the inspirational post.
Thanks Tanya! I started with a 5k several years ago and it is definitely a fun first step. Plantars is real booger and it took me so long to get control of it. I hope some massage and ice can get yours to feeling back to normal!
Thank you for posting to Motivation Monday!
Aw I love this!!!!! Congrats on the half!! I was MISERABLE those last few miles of my first half and swore Id never do it again. Now that distance has taken on a whole new meaning:) I think it's my favorite distance. Congrats again girl. You did it!!!