Happy Holidays 2023

This year our Christmas cards didn’t quite make it into the mail before the big day, but they are officially on their way. The one thing I’ve learned after years of stressing over the smallest details, Christmas will come regardless of whether the cards are mailed and all the gifts are purchased. This year one of my favorite things, baking my Meme’s chocolate cookies, was dropped because I just couldn’t pull it all together.
On the morning of the 24th, I had myself a moment which included a good cry. Sometimes moms just have to do that! Every year I swear I will handle myself differently but every year I become stresssed over the small things and let them overwhelm me. Maybe next year I’ll get it right!
In the end, there were presents and laughs and the magic through a childs eyes. Haisley loved her tent and her new karaoke machine but mostly she loves having everyone at her beck and call. There isn’t much we won’t do for this girl!
My Christmas gift, a new washer & dryer, arrived yesterday and we have lots of laundry waiting. I’m off until January 2nd though so there is plenty of time for that! I hope you are taking some time for yourself to enjoy the holiday season. Wishing you the best as you close out 2023!