Hard to believe a short 22 years ago this boy showed up and changed my world. I knew how crazy in love I was with his big sister and I remember wondering how I could possibly have enough love in my heart for another child. Riley rushed right in and showed me quickly how much more love my heart could feel. While Jordan followed the rules he skirted them. She was patient and easy going and he was strong willed and demanding. No way was there going to be a single day with him in our family that he was going to be overlooked!
The only one of my four born with blonde hair and the only one to have my eyes. I definitely think the two of us “get” each other. We both like things our way, will go to the ends of the earth to prove we are right and can sometimes be a tad irrational in our reaction to a slightly stressful situation.
He didn’t really start talking a lot until he was four which led to so much frustration trying to make us all understand what he wanted. I really think ear infections and the fact that he was literally tongue tied and I didn’t really know it contributed to the problem. While I still think he would probably prefer to stay in the shadows and not do any public speaking, I’ve been so impressed with the way he has matured to be able to handle one off questions during interviews and to socialize with people he doesn’t even know.
Year 22 was a BIG year! The year that dreams are made of in so many ways and we watched as he took one step closer to living his
dream to play baseball.
Accomplishments on the field this past year:
• Drafted in the 3rd round of the 2015 MLB Draft by the Houston Astros
• 2015 1st-team NCBWA All-American
• 2015 2nd-team Louisville Slugger and Perfect Game All-American
• 2015 ABCA 3rd-team All-American
• 2015 1st-team All-Big 12 Conference

Riley, my precious son, you are…..
Handsome….oh how handsome I think you are. I think you are such a perfect combination with eyes that could make any girl swoon.
Funny…goodness how you can make me laugh!
Politically incorrect….which contributes to making me laugh but gives me a little heartburn too!
Sarcastic….which you come by honestly and I’m always hopeful others “get” you.
Big Brother….amazing big brother! You are sometimes hard on your little siblings but it’s obvious you totally want the best for them. You make them laugh with all your antics and they adore you.
Little Brother…your big sis is lucky to have you looking out for her and cheering her on.
Role Model….you are in the spotlight a lot and even though you would prefer not to be you are looked up to by so many young boys and you have been a good example.
Organized….almost to a fault sometimes as it takes you forever to get your stuff together you are so anal about it all. I’m not sure you have ever eaten a warm meal either after watching you organize the food on your plate just so before beginning to eat.
Caring….you try to pretend you don’t but you totally have the biggest heart.
You call me momma and it still melts my heart when I hear your voice on the phone. In this 23rd year my hope is you take the steps necessary to secure your future. There is still a lot of work to do and it is now a real job and you will have to earn your way. I want you to understand being humble does not mean you are weak and I hope you see that respect is earned and not entitled. I also hope you learn to have a little more fun with life! Baseball has been your everything for so many years and I would love to see you find a few other things that bring you joy. Hopefully you will learn to be a little more patient with others along the way and continue to realize that communicating isn’t always easy but can take you so much further than expecting others to read your mind. You have made us all so proud on the field but I hope you know the man I’m watching you become is so much more important. Continue to trust the path God has laid before you and do not take a single day for granted.
I love you to the moon and back and hope this is your very best year yet!
Happy Birthday, Riley! I texted you Saturday, but I guess you were busy. Ahem!
Hope he had a great birthday! AJ still holds that card close to him at all times !!!!
Ok….let's double check my number because I did NOT get a text from you!!!!
That's so sweet Kimm….hopefully someday there will be a bigger card!
Another beautiful tribute to a child of yours. I hope he always cherishes these words from his momma and no matter how old they get, we still hold them close to our hearts.
So beautiful! What an amazing young man he is. Happy Birthday to your sweet Riley!
Such a sweet message! I always email a birthday message to my kids and I hope that they will read them one day and know how loved they are! You have done a great job and inspire so many. And he is a role model to my kiddos! Happy birthday to Riley!
Happy, happy birthday to Riley! It has been a pleasure and joy (and the source of much laughter!) watching him grow up! Good job, mama!
Thanks Michelle! I told him I wrote him a sweet post and he said "mom…I don't even understand this blog thing and don't know where to read that". lol…got him back with the halloween posts since he doesn't read it. 🙂
Thank you Karen….I think he's pretty special.
That is such a sweet idea. I'm so loving that my kids will have this little blog to look back on….especially since I'm decades behind on scrapbooking!!
Ok. I seriously am sitting here with tears rolling down my face. I love how big you love your kiddos.
I know you posted this almost a week ago (i'm doing some catching up on my blog reading). I love this post. I think it will be so nice for him to go back and read one day just to see what his mom really thought about him. Still SO COOL that he's on the Astros, I want to go to a game now just to pretend like I know a player! Next year when they play the Rangers! 🙂 Ps. Without it sounding like i'm hitting on your son haha I agree he is so handsome! All your kiddos are good looking. I love the little collage you put together on this post too! You are the sweetest mom 🙂