Haisley Grace – She’s Here!

This last week has been a dream as we welcomed our sweet Haisley Grace into our lives! She was an unexpected 9lbs 5oz, 21 inches long and gave her mama just a little fit before arriving at 9:47pm on May 14th. We are overjoyed they are both healthy and home.
It has been so darn sweet seeing Riley and Taylor become parents. Their joy and excitement is a welcome change to the last few months of uncertainty. They have both jumped right in and are handling the parenting gig with lots of confidence and a little sleep. I’m in love with this new little family!
I really can’t explain how it feels to see your baby holding their own baby! I did not receive the first picture of Haisley until 3am and my heart may have doubled. While I never doubted Riley would be a great dad, he’s already exceeded every image I had. I’m even more proud of how precious he has been watching over Taylor.
I’m sure there will be many more reels of this little girl showing up on the blog! Let the adventures of Honey and Haisley begin.