Googling Lately – Five on Friday
It seems I’ve been googling on overdrive lately and thought it would be fun to share what I’ve been googling lately with you! For real, google has been a favorite for a long time but sometimes it still takes me a minute to remind myself “hey, just google it”.
The number of arguments it has resolved are also countless! I’m definitely the kind of girl who likes to argue my case if I believe I’m right and have literally taken a stand over things before and then acted like a real ass when someone proved me wrong! Now, it’s much easier to accept when Google is the one proving me wrong! Ha!

So here’s a look at 5 things I’ve googled lately!
How to Eat Sardines
Yep, you read that correctly! I’ve been working on my healthy eating again because, hello shorts season, and the health benefits of eating sardines keeps popping up. I googled how to eat sardines and found 14 reason you should always have them!
My Meme use to always have a can of sardines on hand and she was seriously one of the healthiest women I’ve ever known. I’m just not quite sure I can get my head around looking at it and eating it at the same time
Map of 12 Tribes of Israel
One of the things I’m celebrating in 2019 is my salvation and my goal is to read the bible in a year! I’ve been using this chronological program and listening along with the Bible recap as many of you have already seen me post about.
Well, in March I fell a few days behind but finally finished the book of Joshua this week. I really, really needed a visual to look at while I was trying to absorb the borders of all the tribes.
Wouldn’t you know by googling “map of 12 tribes of Israel from the book of Joshua” I found exactly what I was looking for!

DIY Dishwasher Detergent
Monday night I came home from GNO to find a sink full of dishes which really made me irritated. Finding we had zero dishwasher liquid almost pushed me over the edge. Tuesday Keith did the dishes by hand as I still had yet to make it to the store! Wednesday I sent Dillon a text to stop on his way home from the girlfriends and grab some but HIS PHONE WAS DEAD. (Note to self…google how to make teen understand the only reason he has a phone is for me to communicate with him!)
Friday my housecleaning lady comes so I had to get my act together! Thursday morning I googled DIY dishwasher detergent and found a couple of solutions. The one I chose was literally 3 drops of Dawn dishsoap, 2/3 of the dishwasher soap tray of baking soda and the remainder salt.
Y’all, I set it up, turned it on and headed to the gym. I was so pleasantly surprised when I arrived home and a) there were not suds everywhere and b) the dishes were so clean!
Facial Numbness
Yes, yes I did google this when I know NOT TO GOOGLE PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS!! Last week I was having some numbness on the left side of my face. There were little shooting pains along with a numbing sensation that felt almost like the feeling when a limb falls asleep.
Well, thankfully midway down on the list of What’s Causing my Facial Numbness was an infection or drug interactions. I had been battling allergies which turned into a sinus infection and was taking antibiotics as well as antihistamines. A few days and many bottles of water later and the sensation has not returned.
Seriously, do as I say and not as I do….DO NOT GOOGLE PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS!!
How to Make a Large Print Using Pic Monkey
So, I make graphics often in Pic Monkey and really have just a few little signs I would like to make for the kids bathroom along with our own bathroom. I know I can use my fave MPIX to get a quality print but wasn’t sure about the resolution. This handy dandy chart, while helpful, also made me realize it was worth the $4.50 for the Etsy download.

While all my dreams of being a creative may be on hold, I’m thinking this one will definitely help pull our master bath together!
So, do you use google to solve family spats quickly? Do you google your weird medical symptoms? I’d love to know what you’re googling lately!
Wishing you all a beautiful spring weekend! It is suppose to be rainy again here but I’m cool with it as we will be stuck inside at a dance competition. Cheers to the weekend!
Friday Favorites (Andrea, Erika, Narci)|High 5 for Friday (Della, Becky, Tif, Whitney)