Christmas time is definitely upon us but so far I have managed to keep my stress level down. I’m feeling pretty darn good about where I am in the gift department and even managed to wrap a few this week. We are actually enjoying December and I’m sure it is only a matter of time before the crazy takes over but I’m trying really hard to be a little more chill than my typical! At the end of the day….we are MOMS for crying out loud…we got this! Here is a little funny for your Friday…these ladies are hilarious!
ONE…..Volunteering at the annual KBTX Food for Families Food Drive is one of my favorite things to do each year and this year my girl came to help for a bit. The drive raised $178,000 and collected 219,000 lbs of food! If you are looking for a cause to get involved with I highly suggest looking into your local food bank or food pantry. It will blow you away to realize the need in your very own backyard and bless you tenfold to know you are helping such a great mission. I can imagine losing a lot of things in my life such as my job, my house, my car but I cannot at any point in my mind imagine what it would be like to not be able to provide food for my family.

Bonus…when working events like this you never know who you might see driving through and I was seriously beside myself excited to meet the Merry Mommas from
Your Merry Mailbox Blog! We use the same photographer and I have followed one of them since her first little one was born several years ago but have never met her. Too fun…love the blog world!
TWO…Yep…still loving this guy another week. Carly has been so excited and has even started writing him letters.
Suffering from allergies or recovering from the first Christmas party of the season?
Yep…he “went” there…literally. Elves have to pull out all the stops when the kids get older!
He convinced the barbies to take a spin and let me tell you this one created quite the discussion. Having older siblings who have already experienced the dating world definitely makes Carly think a little deeper about things like whether or not BJ had a girlfriend at the North Pole and whether she would be jealous he was hanging out with the barbies!
After hanging out with the barbies for not one but two nights…oops…he showed up with donuts and some snowman jokes!
Wishing Dillon good luck at his basketball game this week!
This one always gets a mixed reaction…but he came back more fashionable today!
You can follow along with me and my friend
Holly on instagram as we #unshelfyoelf2014.
THREE…..this lady right here turned 69 yesterday!! For real she is 69!! I seriously hope I got my genes from her because she actually has less wrinkles than me (and I even pay to remove some!). My mom and I love each other like crazy but as she says I came out of the womb determined to balk her on every single thing….and I think she is just as stubborn! We had a super lunch yesterday and dinner out and she was a happy camper!
I purchased the top coffee mug below as one of her gifts because, really, it could not have been more perfect and she loved it! It is no longer available but I’m thinking the bottom mug needs to make it’s way to me for one of Keith’s Christmas gifts. You can see all the Santa Barbara design mugs
here. I think they make a fun gift for any occasion.
FOUR….I am loving this holiday T-shirt I purchased from J. Crew Factory. I also loved this one but decided adding one holiday shirt would have to do! Texas weather….I guess by now it is a favorite too and at least with all the changing I get to put layers like this together.
Toms Wedge Booties
here//Buffalo Check Shirt similar
here//Holiday Shirt
FIVE…I saw this pinned on Pinterest yesterday and my first thought was YES!! Goodness if I could have all the years back that I was trying to be someone else so that I would fit in with others. I wonder what might have turned out differently if I had just had confidence in the girl I really was. This is one of those lessons in life I guess you just have to learn in time and no one can really teach you but my oh my how free you can feel when you get it. For me there was something magic about 40…not sure if it was the reality that half my life had ticked away and I figured I better get my crap together or what but 40 was a turning point.
Hope you all have a super weekend! Happy Friday!
Linking up with all these fun bloggers today!
Happy birthday to your mom…she looks incredible! The relationship you describe with her sounds a lot like what I think Grace and I will have…love each other like crazy, but both of us very stubborn. I love watching all your elf's shenanigans since ours is just watching from a shelf this year. Have a wonderful weekend!
Those coffee mugs are awesome! And,yes, Keith most definitely needs one!!! Always love your Friday Favorites! So fun!
ahh i cant wait to do elf on the shelf after our baby is born (and she is old enough to notice!) xo jillian – stop by! I'm hosting a Rikshaw Design giveaway for babies on cornflake dreams
My husband has had a holiday fundraiser/ live auction luncheon that benefits our local Salvation Army every 2nd thursday in December and yesterday was his 15th one. We pay for the food and the auction items and ask for donations ($15 per lunch) at the red kettle when people arrive. Every year we get between 350-500 people attending! The caterer does donate some of the food but over the last 15 years he has raised $776,000 for our Tulare Salvation Army! This years event raised close to $84,000! Yes, I am a super proud wife! He does it for the "working poor" (its how he grew up) and he loves to give back to those less fortunate. I love seeing how you are raising your children to give back too. I know our daughters have definitely learned thru living with their stepdad and all that he does!
That is so incredible Kim! Wow…what a wonderful thing to do and that is substantial. Blessing others definitely feels so good. Thanks so much for sharing!
I LOVE #5!!
What a fun five! You and your mother are precious! I hope I get my mom's genes too. 🙂 And those mugs! Love them. But my favorite is the last quote. Perfect! Have a great weekend!
Elf on the shelf is the best! I love that you have this tradition!
Melanie @
Shelly, I just LOVE your holiday tee shirt outfit!! You look beautiful!