Friday Favorites – Random Roundup
The first day of spring arrived and while it is definitely a favorite of mine, the allergies it brought along are not! I’ve been battling all week and missed several days of work. Thankfully I finally headed to the doctor and have some antibiotics I really hope kick into high gear sooner than later!
Here are a few more things I’m loving this week!
Lunch Date

I had lunch with my beautiful daughter and enjoyed dining outside and catching up. Even though she lives here in town, she keeps a busy social calendar and has been super busy at work. It has literally been a month plus since I’ve seen her face in person!
Big Catch

I decided to give Thrive Market a try and ordered the seafood combo. Everything looks so good and I love that the salmon and cod are indivdually frozen. Keith doesn’t eat either so it sure makes it easier for me to be able to pull out just what I need for myself. It shipped so quickly and arrived fully frozen.
Lately I’ve been reading about the sulfites and extra sugar adding to wine possibly being the culprit for me feeling so bad even after only a glass or two. I ordered a new wine to try with no added sugar and low sulfites so we will see if it is delish.
I was also so shocked to learn about Thrive giving back. You can give Thrive a try for 30 days free and there was free shipping on orders greater than $49.
Chips and Dips

When I ordered groceries this week I noticed our local HEB carries the Siete brand chips. Since ordering I’ve had several people tell me to try the lime flavored ones. I’d love to say these were perfect but I definitely won’t be tossing my regular tortilla chips. They are a great grain free option.
I also made this avocado hummus sans the tahini (because I had never even heard of this yet!) and it was super yum. Mine was a bit chunky because I don’t have a for real food processor but still made a great snack.
Sweet Presents

My friend Chrissy surprised me with this thoughtful gift. They are so pretty I will have a hard time actually wearing them! Wouldn’t these socks make such a great addition to an Easter basket?!

Lastly, if you have watched stories recently then you know I added some hair extensions 2 weeks back. I didn’t need them all over but this one side was a hot mess. Last summer something happened and I’m still not sure if it just broke off or what but it has been awful. Literally the hair would no longer grow and I would end up with a mullet every few months. I’m hoping the addition of these extensions will give my “real” hair a little stress relief and it will start growing again.
I wasn’t sure if anyone would be interested but if so I will put together a pros/cons list for the blog.
We are headed for a girls weekend in Wimberley and I’m so excited! Crossing my fingers the weather keeps on changing and drops the rain. Regardless we will have fun making memories and hanging out.
Here’s what you may have missed this week which includes my visit with a blogger you may know and her new little baby boy plus my favorite season; baseball!