Friday Favorites – Anniversary
Welcome to the first Friday in August! How in the world y’all? I don’t even know where July went like at all. While we do have two weekends standing between us and the first day of school, the kids activities gear up on Monday. Summer is all but over and while I am a little sad about it, my waistline is not! Ha!
So while the end of summer might not be worth celebrating, we do have a milestone that is! Tomorrow Keith and I celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary.
This has not been an easy year to stay connected and it makes me really thankful for the time we have invested in past years to putting our marriage first. We definitely seem to pass in the night some weeks more than we see one another.
We are at that point where we seemed to be pulled between giving attention to our aging parents and supporting our kids as they face challenges with their lives and careers. It’s easy to forget about spending dedicated time together when there are so many other outside pressures.
It seems like the perfect time to revisit some of my own advice! I wrote 15 Tips to Building a Stronger Marriage on our 15th anniversary and they are worth the read. Do I get them right every day? Heck no! In fact there are lots of times I’m not even succeeding at any of them. Exactly the reason we all need little reminders of how to keep those home fires burning.
Evidently I need to add a new tip; take more pictures together! Here’s a quick look at us over this past year growing older and growing our marriage.

We will head to Austin for our traditional anniversary night away before picking up the kids at Camp Travis tomorrow morning. Hope you all have some sweet weekend plans to kick off August!