Friday Favorites 12.17.21
It’s hard to believe that this time next week it will be Christmas eve. I have tons of boxes all over the place and some I haven’t even opened to be sure what I ordered is what I received. The house is at least decorated and my past experience tells me it will all get done which is all that is keeping me grounded! We have been doing our best to soak up the holidays with so many fun gatherings and outings and that has been my favorite! The one thing I told my therapist at the beginning of the month is I didn’t want to miss the joy of the season and I so far I have not!
Here are just a few favorite things floating around for me this Friday!

Carly and I attended a cookie exchange party this week and of cousre we had to take my Meme’s chocolate cookies! The party was so yummy with proabably 15 different cookies to sample. We voted by dropping cash into bags of our favorites and then the winner was able to pick a charity of her choice to donate the funds to. Isn’t that just such a fun idea? They raised $276 and we all went home on a sugar high!
Baking is my favorite this month of the year only. I love continuing my Meme’s tradition of baking a sample of goodies for family and friends. I have shared my favorite Christmas cookies to share in the past and it holds all the recipes.

Yesterday was the 2 year anniversary of Keith’s heart attack and it still shocks me how quickly I tar up when I think about that morning. I remember the first time I ame back to the house and saw the unmade bed and the clothes scattered on the floor and it rocked me to think I could have been coming back home alone. It is not lost on me how quickly our story could have been different. The signs were all there and they were ignored so this is your reminder…part of loving your family is taking care of yourself and being diligent about annual visits to the doctor. You can read more about our experience as well as read about the symptoms and risk factors in this post.

This girl y’all, she may not be a fan of Santa up close but she LOVES spotting him. She is SO much fun right now and hearing her say Santa and baby Jesus would bring a smile to anyones day. Here little voice is just the cutest and I’m totally biased but she is so smart! Christmas is going to be so much fun!

I have LOVED this quilt! When Christina at Vintage Patchwork Quilts asked me to choose a quilt, I had a hard time deciding as they are all so beautiful. This one was named Lorelei and since I love the Gilmore Girls it’s how I chose! I am so impressed with the quality and details. She makes the quilts out of thrifted clothing and they are all so unique and diifferent and would make such a great gift for a hard to buy someone on your list. You can find all she has available in her Etsy shop!
We are off to Dallas today for one last round of Friday night lights as the College Station Cougars participate in the state playoff game. Carly’s hair is curled and she’s excited about performing at AT&T stadium! We can’t wait.
Hope you all have a great weekend!