Friday Favorites 04.02.21
No fooling, April has arrived! Herer in Texas we have some beautiful spring temperatures and we are looking forward to a beautiful weekend. I’d be lying if I said I’m not just a little sad about my family not being all together to celebrate Easter but it’s hard to be sad when I remember the hope Easter sunday brings!
Here are a few Friday Favorites to get the weekend rolling!

My sweet friend Andrea is saying peace out to her 40s today as she celebrates her 50th birthday! Andrea is the very best at celebrating others so if you have a chance head over to her Instagram and give her some birthday love! Wish we were having mimosas on a patio somewhere sweet friend! Wishing you all the best in the coming year. And I promise, 50 ain’t all that bad!

My second shout out has to go to this sweet girl who tried out for her high school drill team this week and we found out last night that SHE MADE IT!!!! I literally ugly cried in my car when I found out I was so excited for her. Last year the tryouts were held virtually which meant learning the dance on her own, having me video the dance and just mixed in with all the crazy that was our life at the time it didn’t go well. She has worked so hard this year and I’m just over the moon that it paid off for her! Introducing the newest member of the 2021-2022 Strutter Line!

A little flashback to almost three years ago this girl and I had such a great adventure hiking through Sequoia National Forest on a trip to Cali. Today we are heading out to Inks Lake state park for some hiking and then hunting for a great spot to take bluebonnets. Tomorrow we will have a tour at Longhorn Caverns state park. Exploring with my girl is one of my favorites! Jordan has started a little Instagram for her adventures which include some travel but also lots of local experiences and dining. Check out Finding Ferrell especially if you live in Texas!

Lastly, I looked back on my post from last year at Easter and I feel like it is still so relevant. If you are feeling weary from the toll of the last year, trust you can find rest in Him this weekend more than ever! Jesus is my favorite!
And that’s all I have this Friday for ya! I need to get to packing and on the road. If you have a roadtrip planned this long weekend you can checkout my 5 roadtrip faves. Wishing you a beautiful first weekend in April friends!