Five on Friday – 06.19.20
It’s definitely been a little slow here on the blog and I’m hoping maybe that will change soon but only time will tell. Things have just been weird and it’s really not even about the time but more about my mind being scattered and unfocused. Quality content has just not been in the cards but I do love sharing some of my favorite things so I’m jumping in today with a little Five on Friday fully of favorites.

Although the dance season was cut very short, this week Carly’s studio held the end of year banquet. Due to numbers of course it was a dancer only event and so I was not there in person to see her receive this award. I was so excited to see she received the Heart and Soul award and just so, so proud of her for working so hard this year.

I’m here to tell ya, time passes just as quick with a grandchild! Miss Haisley Grace is already one month old. She is just the sweetest little thing y’all and I have to force myself not to barge in on them every day.

We have been doing a ton of walking and this week I decided to try a new trail I’ve never ventured onto before. These flowers were everywhere and just such a good reminder beauty is all around us. I’ve been listening to Brene Brown’s podcast and listening to her podcast with Austin Channing Brown and Ibram X. Kendi have been a real eye opener. There is beauty in embracing the anti racist movement and I’ve been learning so much. I concern myself with hurting feelings and speaking out is not always easy because I don’t want to say the wrong thing but when we know better we can do better and that is what I’m choosing to work on,.

My friends have all been amazing at finding things to recognize my Honey status! This tee is one of my favorites and such a great reminder on those tough days taht Jesus does still love ya! The American Honey Company has lots of fun tees and you can find them on Instagram.

The Friends and Family event is live at Beautycounter with a 15% off your order. The All Bright C Serum is my favorite new product and it pairs so well with the Overnight Resurfacing Peel. When I poll my customers the Overnight Resurfacing Peel is definitley the one product they say makes the biggest difference if they stop using. If you have been considering BC this is a great time to try a product at a discount! Take the skin care quiz to see what is best for you!

Join me and my sweet friends on June 29th for the Red, White, Blue & You linkup! This was such a hit last year and we hope you will join in again.
Wishing you all a relaxing weekend!