Currently June + TBB Linkup
Today I’m joining Anne and Sarah to share what’s currently going on around here!
TRAVELING | We don’t have much on the calendar yet this summer but this weekend we are traveling to Lost Pines Hyatt for a quick little getaway. Keith’s company hosts a shareholder meeting each year which comes with a free night away for the family. This year he also won a sales contest which means we scored two extra nights. We’ve visited the resort multiple times over the years as it is a short hour and 1/2 from home which makes it quick and easy. The location is beautiful and tucked away in a quiet serene locations and I could just spend the entire day floating around the lazy river. I picked up this swimsuit which is kind of different for me (I’m kind of crushing on the entire Antonio Melani collection) and can’t wait to wear it!
EXPLORING | Our little town! Since we won’t have the chance to get away much this summer, exploring a few new places right here in our little town will have to do. Living in a college town, when the students are gone is the best time to try out new restaurants and such. Several boutique hotels have also been added around the area and many are brining in live music weekly so it’s the perfect chance to get out and enjoy something new. Carly and I are especially excited to go try the gourmet popsicle shop!
GRILLING | We grill up everything around here this time of year! It’s way too hot to cook on the daily so typically on Sundays Keith will fire up the Big Green Egg and we will cook a large amount of meat we can then use for meals for several days. This week it was chicken breast and beef fillets and they were perfect to eat alone with veggies on day one, sliced up for tacos on day two, and added to a salad on day three! Keith’s mom gave him a Big Green Egg for Christmas this past year and it has been a great investment.
PLANTING | Y’all, things are pretty sad around here in the planting department. Thankfully the landscaping we do have is surviving the heat but we really need to do a little sprucing about. Latana seems to be the only thing I can grow without killing that actually blooms the way it should. My roses have seen much better days! A green thumb was definitely not something I was born with.
PLAYING | Baseball….well I’m not playing baseball but if you have been around here much you know it’s baseball season for us! I finally had a chance to sit down last weekend and map out our summer. Yikes! We have a baseball tourney starting every Thursday but two through the end of July. Typically we look forward to at least one tournament out of state we can stretch into a vacation but this year the tourney is in Lubbock of all places. So not looking forward to that in July! And I have yet to see my big boy play this year so we definitely are looking for a time to head back to Corpus Christi.
BONUS….BUYING | Now that the Moms Rock May Style challenge is over and I’m having to dress myself again, I’ve been continuing to grab old pieces and mixing with new to create summer looks. Y’all know my brown wedges have been on major repeat since they arrived but my closet is still missing a pair of black wedges. I ordered this pair in black and hope they work! The reviews were really great. So far the quality of the pieces I’ve ordered from the Hi Sugarplum collection at Nordstrom has been amazing but sadly I’ve only found one piece that has worked for my wonky body. The majority arrives on Thursday so fingers crossed! While it is only a tee shirt, this twist sleeve top is adorable and super flattering. I grabbed it in white (and it’s the perfect weight) and I am thinking I may have to add in another color because I loved it that much!
Be sure to come back next month (on July 4th!) and join me as I will be the guest host for Currently July with Anne! We will be sharing what we are celebrating, visiting, baking, wearing and loving!