Currently April – Style Six

It’s currently April y’all and I always love sharing with Anne in Residence the first Wednesday of the month. This month I’m joining in to share what I’m currently arranging, craving, discussing, enjoying, and preparing, as well as joining my Style Six sisters for some linkup fun.
Arranging dog sitting. Y’all, I love my dog but this is always the most stressful part of being away for me. I think I worry more about leaving Dutch than I ever did about leaving my kidos. Crazy! I will wake up in the middle of the night on a weekend away and start worrying if he’s feeling sad I’m not there. Finding a good, reliable dog sitter will hopefully help me.
Craving a weekend at home! We will not have a single one for the month of April and it really does take getting my mindset right. It’s hard to work all day and still want to do all the things we need to do at night. I especially hate driving into the driveway each day and seeing all our pitiful landscaping after losing so many plants to the freeze. Thank goodness for an extended tax deadline in Texas because I’m not sure when I would have fit that in!
Discussing empathy vs sympathy. I listened to the Human Hope podcast on empathy last week and between that and my bi-weekly therapy visit realized I may not always be the best at it. Seeking to understand anothers feelings is hard work sometimes and it definitely takes active listening which I’m not always great at. We all get to own and feel our feelings even if others don’t necessarily feel the same.
Enjoying some new coffee! Y’all, this is probably disgusting to you if you are a “real” coffee drinker but we have never made anything but Folgers around here. Since having Covid, however, my taste has been all messed up and things have been a little more bitter. We found the Cafe’ Ole Taste of Old San Antonio after trying it at the air bnb on our Dripping Springs getaway and I dove in for the first time ever with whole beans. I ordered this coffee grinder and we are feeling oh so fancy this week grinding our coffee.
Preparing my closet! I pulled all my spring and summer clothes out but have not had time to really get organized and put things away in any sort of organized way. Dumping pieces I no longer love and evaluating what I need to add, and then arranging so that I don’t lose my ever loving mind each day when I’m trying to get dressed is not just needed but necessary!
And speaking of my closet, these overalls have been one of my favorite adds I didn’t know I needed! I am typically a size 8/10 or 29/30 and I did order these in the 10 for a little roomier fit. They are noted to be “high rise” and I think that is why they are fitting my shorter waisted body. I tried quite a few pair with no luck but I love these especially for the price!
I found this darling top at a local boutique and knew it would be darling under the overalls to give them just a little more feminine touch. You can shop Coterie with the code ShellyJanac for a little discount but this top is only left in a small right now.
And let’s talk for a second about how insane it is to spend so much on a pair of flip flops shall we? It is, it absolutely is, but I asked for these one year for Mother’s day and haven’t looked back. I love my Tory Burch flip flops! But, if you love the look without the price tag, here are some dupes that are way more budget friendly.

I love your overalls. So cute! I need to check out those sandals. Organizing my closet has been on my to do list for quite some time, but that task always overwhelms me.