Currently April
It’s the first Wednesday of the month so I’m joining Anne of In Residence to share what I’m doing currently.
Experiencing a waist band that is way too tight! Last year I really did so well getting my splurges in check but I’ve managed to spend the winter indulging a little too often in my favorite things. This current midlife body just takes a little longer than I would like to recover!
Appreciating the longer days and warmer spring weather. Something about the sunshine just makes me feel so much more joyful. For sure my energy level has really picked up which will hopefully help me tackle all the extra rolls I’m experiencing! We had a cold front this week which took us back to sweaters and jackets but I’m hopeful it will be straight up spring from here on out!
Wishlisting all the things I need for spring! Top on my list at the moment? I’m in desperate need of a new pair of sunglasses! Since leaving my Raybans in the Sequoia National Forest last August, I haven’t found another pair to love. Thinking of stepping out of my norm aviator style and ordering this pair to try as the reviews are pretty decent plus under $20 and maybe I won’t be so sad when I leave them somewhere!

Posting sporadically! I have really been in a rut lately and haven’t been able to find my voice. When something does come to mind it happens at a time I’m not able to share and by the time I grab a free minute my thought process is mush. Being creative takes so much energy!
I did manage to wrap up our weekend in Wimberley in case you missed it and shared some outfit inspiration using the color of the year with my Ageless Style sisters.
Considering these four prints to hang above the desk in our bedroom. I have looked at so many options and really think I love the abstract vibe of these. We have some blues and greens sprinkled throughout the house and I think these will tie in nicely but also still blend with the neutral bedroom.