Craziest Adventure – Motherhood
I was prompted to write about my craziest adventure and it really stumped me. I mean I am almost 47 years old and really just have not experienced the adventure bug. I considered the crazy adventure to the middle of God knows where in west Texas with no running water that Keith dragged me to when we were dating but I’ve talked about that before in our love story. Our poorly thought out trip to California in 2006 when we spent one entire day (like seriously over 6 hours in the car) going about 20 miles to see Hollywood crossed my mind too.
However, if I really think about it, my craziest adventure has stretched across the past 26 years and will continue the rest of my life. Motherhood! Yep, motherhood has been the craziest adventure I’ve ever encountered!
I was scared to death the first time I became a mom. I was just shy of 21 and I think the look on my face says it all! What in the world was I suppose to do with this tiny baby?
She was perfect and such a good baby and I figured it all out and was sure I was an expert when her brother arrived but he was nothing like his sister! So sensitive about formula and diapers and clothing and temperature and the list goes on and on. It took me months to realize he didn’t like being rocked to sleep when his sister was rocked until she was two. There were toilet locks and outlet plugs and uncontrollable tantrums. All new obstacles on my motherhood journey.
Four children and they are all different and all keep me on my toes. A response to one doesn’t work the same for another facing a similar challenge. Some days are spent helping the rule follower learn to let go a little and have some fun while teaching the curious one a lesson after realizing he shot the computer screen with an air soft gun. I’m forever trying to read the mind of the private one and assure myself he’s in a good place socially, scholastically, mentally at the same time his sister is blabbing all the family business and putting her own spin on it.
Speaking of roller coasters, my body has also been through some crazy ups and downs on this adventure! With four pregnancies I saw my body gain an average of 42 pounds each time. There are stretch marks and love handles and a belly button I barely recognize as my own. Growing a human and watching it kick and stretch and knowing you were the only source of life was amazing. Even their four births were all different and beautiful in their own way.
Just like any crazy adventure, I always look back at the ups and downs and am able to laugh about things that seemed like the end of the world at the time. Sometimes I make wrong turns along the way and so many times I have failed to stop and ask for direction.
Other days, maybe even years, I speed right through without noticing any warning signs before realizing my tank is suddenly totally out of gas. Time has allowed some moments to include a well thought out itinerary when other times coming to a fork in the road and deciding on a route was more of a crap shoot.
Regardless, this journey has been worth every heartache, every laugh, every worry and every fear because this adventure has filled my heart completely with a joy I never knew was possible. No matter where I go in life or what I experience these four kids are alway on my mind and forever in my heart. Being a mom is a journey that does not end. When I am gone the impact I have had on them will hopefully stand just as a historical landmark would on a cross country journey. There will be days they may not even realize the decision they are making or the little voice in the back of their mind came from their momma.
Jordan, Riley, Dillon & Carly Jo….you are the craziest adventure I’ve ever been on. Whether I’ve been the driver or the passenger, the co-pilot or the back seat driver I could not have asked for better companions on this trip and I wouldn’t re-route any part of our journey!
What has been your craziest adventure?
I love how you interpreted the prompt, the journey of motherhood is far more adventurous than any other and the destination is much better than any other!
Thanks Kellyann…so not like me to think outside the box but this was definitely a fun post to pull together!
This has been my favorite post from blogtember! Awesome job, mama!
I am so with you on this one! I thought about all the fun places I had been when writing this prompt but none compare to the journey of motherhood! I love your blog!
Isn't it the truth and the adventure continues as they become young adults – all in a different way, but still an adventure
I agree with Holly…you rocked this post! So heartfelt and every word rings true about the adventure of being a mother.
I know what you mean… I'm the least adventurous person ever, so I'm not sure what I would say for this prompt either. Maybe that's something I need to work on! Haha. You are definitely right about motherhood, though. That's about as adventurous as it gets!
I love this, Shelly! Motherhood is so unpredictable, and you're right, just when you think you've got it figured out…someone else comes along! What a rewarding journey, with lots of souvenirs though!
Love those pictures of you & your sweeties! They are blessed to have you!
My craziest adventure ??? Hands down…..meeting Tony on AOL 18+ years ago and making the most amazing life together! I was living in Pennsylvania and moving home to Visalia, Ca with 2 small girls….he lived in Tulare, Ca…..May 15, 1998 was the day that my entire life changed!
Oh how I love love love this! You are such a wonderful mother, your heart is just so loving.
I have loved sharing this crazy adventure with you this past year! Great post as usual friend!
This is beautifully written. Yes, motherhood is one crazy ride, and one I'm so thankful to experience.
Thanks so much Jenny…it's been a beautiful journey.
Me too momma!
Thanks so much Stephanie….I definitely have my days when I'm so incredibly thankful my family gives me so much grace. It would be so much easier if they all came with a manual right? Oh…and if I had a wife to help me out. haha
It's rough Emily….but this too shall pass I promise! Mine did love that rocking and the sound of the hair dryer running. I may have been guilty of putting him in his car seat in the bathroom and leaving it running while I took a minute to myself.
Love that….the BEST souvenirs are my memories with these kids!! Hope you have a super weekend sweet friend!
I think I was more adventurous pre-kids Lindsay! Now I'm just all responsible and stuff..haha
Thanks sweet Tanya! I always love writing something special about these 4 treasures.
Yes! Vicki, I always tell people who are having a tough time with their younger children to enjoy it. Little kids = little problems…..big kids=big problems. Not that the problems are bigger but sometimes I guess the stakes are just higher and keeping my mouth shut is sooooo much harder!!
Thanks sweet friend! Happy to have other moms like you helping me stay focused along the way.
You are such an awesome mama Shelly. Your bigs and littles are so blessed to have you.
Thank you Beth! I definitely try to be the mom they need!
A crazy journey! That's what motherhood is for sure and it doesn't stop when they are own and have kids of their own. But it's fun to watch them take their OWN motherhood journey! Thanks for sharing on #overthemoon, Shelley!
Shelly! What a beautiful tribute to your children!! You are are so blessed and they are so lucky to have YOU!! I just loved reading your sweet words!
I can hardly wait Cathy! I can only imagine how excited I will be when my my girls become moms!!
Thank you Katie! So sorry this is sooooooo late.
They definitely are my proudest accomplishment and my biggest joy.