Butterfly Top

Butterfly Top #springstyle
Butterfly Top (gifted) | Shorts | Sandals

Butterflies remind me of my mom so when I saw this butterfly top I had to have it! The colors are bright and cheery and the fabric is lighweight and perfect for summer. I love the sleeve detail and the neckline too. This pattern also comes in a darling dress and I really had a hard time deciding which I loved more. You can use code SHELLY15 to shop this top and so many other darling things including these resort style items I shared awhile back.

I also needed to add some new shorts to my closet as I’ve “outgrown” the ones in my closet. 🙂 I ordered this pair in black and a light denim color and have been very happy with them. They are a great length and I can actually bend over without fear of flashing too much booty.

Earlier this spring I grabbed this pair of white sandals and have definitely broke the old no white before Easter rule! They are so comfortable and much cheaper than the Steve Madden version.

I love this quote by Maya Angelou. “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit to othe changes it has gonoe through to achieve that beauty.” It really speaks to me in this season of life when the outward beauty has begun to fade but the inner beauty, the beauty that is a compilation of so much hard work, struggle and loss, begins to be more important.

For as long as I can remember my mom loved butterflies but I rarely thought about the significance. As we take another turn in this Alzheimers journey (you can read more here), I feel like she’s exhausted from all her years of transforming. She’s outwardly looking so oold but yet all I keep thinking about is the beauty on the inside. No matter the differences we had, I know she always wanted what was best for me because she loved me so passionately. I know this of course, because I am a mom who faces the same battle of loving my kids so fiercely and walking that thin line between holding them close and letting them transform on their own.

There is no more strain in this last stage, only the undying love that still burns between us. I don’t know how long she will continue to go through this transformation here on earth but I do know when the time comes those winigs wiill be beautiful and so well earned.

Butterfly top #shopavara #springstyle
Butterfly Top #springstyle #shopavara

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