Between the Lines – 2020 Reads
Today I’m joining my friend Tanya at The Other Side of the Road to recap the best of 2020 reads! If you are like me, you find alot of your favorites by reading what others love so be sure to hop over to check it out.
We made it! The last day of 2020 is here. There were many times in 2020 when I had to read between the lines whether it was in reading people, evaluating myself or literally escaping with a book. I am by far not the most avid reader but am quite proud to say I logged 30 books in 2020. Some were page turners, some helped me to see myself more clearly and of course there were a few flops! I found I love listening to peoples personally stories on audio but still need to turn pages, even if on my kindle, for fiction.

Get Out of Your Head | The Lazy Genius | Keep Showing Up
Typically I have a book on my nightstand at all times that offers some kind of inspiration or attempt at self-improvement. This year I logged 7 of such books PLUS read It’s Not Supposed to be This Way for the second time along with the study guide. All of these books offer some tidbits, some deeper than others, whether you are looking to grow your marriage, learn more about what makes you tick, or just grow yourself.
It’s hard for me to choose a clear best of for 2020! I feel like reading On the Bright Side straight out of the gates was a perfect way to set my mind for what was to come. The Road Back to You really helped me dive further into othe Enneagram and learn so much about myself and why I react and respond the way I do which definitely helped reshape how I handled 2020. Of course Jen can always fire you up and make you laugh so Fierce, Free and Full of Fire was a great read.
I have to say, though, reading It’s Not Supposed to be this Way for the 2nd time probably had the biggest impact. Oh how I needed this book so many times and at just the right time in 2020! Finishing 2020 by completing Dream Big set me up for beginning a new year and I’m exciting to work through the Dream Big framework as I head into 2021.

As I said, listening to peoples stories through their own voice was one of my favorite things in 2020 and I was sold on this new way of logging books after my audible trial. All of the personaly stories were raw and vulnerable and helped me see these individuals for more than just a celebrity. Real people with real lives and much more intellect than I really ever gave them credit for. I laughed, I cried, and I have a renewed sense of a need to write and share my story on paper with those I love most after listening to Everything Beautiful in Its Time this last few days.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone wasn’t actually a memoir but I loved this quirky view for a therapist sharing some of her clients but also her own journey through therapy. As someone who could probably use a little more therapy in my life it was a great listen,.

When I looked back over all of the fiction books I read in 2020, there were a few I had to go back and read the summary for because I didn’t remember them. To me, that’s a clear sign they may have been a decent read but do not deserve top status! There were a couple I couldn’t forget because they were that bad as well. Ha! I’m going to give you my top 5 out of this list.
The Missing Sister was the first page turner I read in 2020. This book has a few twist and turns and was suspenseful enough without keeping me up at night.
Little Fires Everywhere was the next book I would stay in bed on a Saturday morning reading until I was forced to leave. I’ve seen mixed reviews about this one but I truly loved it. The characters were all developed so well and I couldn’t wait to see it all play out. I still haven’t watched the series but it’s on my list.
My Sisters Keeper really made you think and consider what you would do as a parent in the same situation but I was not prepared for the ending. This book is so good and will leave you in tears.
28 Summers, oh my heart. I so wanted a different outcome for this love story that stretched over 28 summers but it wasn’t to be. I shed some serious tears over this book and if you love Elin this is a must read.
Kerry Lonsdale is an author I have read many times and I have yet to find a book of hers I don’t love. Her writing style gets me every time and I always expect I know where she’s going and then bam, she throws in a twist I’m not expecting. So while I said I’d give you my top 5, I can’t choose between Side Trip and Last Summer. If you have never read Kerry, pick up one of her reads, they are almost always super reasonably priced downloads.
I can’t wait to see what others are sharing for their best books of 2020! I’m ready to add some more goodreads to my list for 2021.
For more detailed reviews:
January Books | February Books | April Books| July Books | October Books