Best of 2018
The end of the year is such a fun time to take a look back and really soak up all the joy from the past year. While there were some challenges and opportunities to grow along the way, I’m sharing our sweetest times here.

We started the year with Dillon turning 16 and obtaining his drivers license! It was a day we had both been waiting for. It is always a bit of a learning curve to have them truly understand this is a privilege not a right but once he got this down he has been so responsible and such a big help to me.

Carly Jo competed for the first time dancing her heart out in 3 competitions and 2 conventions. We loved watching her have fun and grow as a dancer as she spends about 10 hours a week in class.

Riley was invited to big league spring training with the Astros so Keith and I headed to West Palm Beach for some relaxation and baseball.

We took a quick besties road trip and saw Houston in Color. For any newbies we traded birthday parties for experiences several years back and love our getaways with these girls.

It was a year when our dates looked more like quiet time toasting on the patio than weekends away alone for sure but the fact we are still taking the time to find the quiet time amidst the chaos makes it best.

Mother’s day weekend was spent in Corpus Christi hoping to see Riley pitch but no luck. What we did see was lots of art and enjoyed some history. Good thing since this ended up being our last trip to Corpus for awhile.

The third Wednesday each month is reserved for dinner with my lovely girl. Every year she amazes me with all she learns about herself.

For the first time my kids didn’t head to camp together but Carly didn’t let this stop her from having the best time. I shared 5 ways summer camp can shape your child to give you more on why this is a best in 2018 (and every year!).

A for sure favorite was wrapping up my first ever style challenge on Instagram. I created 31 rockin’ prompts for Moms Rock May Style Challenge and was blown away by the number of people who participated! So much fun and I hope to do some more of these in 2019.

My little brother is one of my favorite people ever…I’ve loved him since the moment he was born so heading to Houston to meet up with him and celebrate his 45th birthday was the best day.

The boys headed to Atlanta for a baseball tournament but don’t think that stopped them from enjoying some down time with their favorite past time. Love seeing them do what they love!

We took a Texas road trip to Lubbock for more baseball but didn’t mind the drive because it brought us right to some of our favorite little cousins.

We reunited just long enough to send Dillon off for a week at summer camp. Again, my kids seriously love this week so much each year.

Keith and I celebrated our 17th anniversary and I somehow talked him into posing for some pictures in Austin on our way home from camp dropoff.

We headed to Long Beach, California to watch this one participate in the Area Code games and closeout his summer season. Love seeing my kids reaching for their dreams.

Jordan and I explored the Sequoia National Forest and it was such a perfect day of hiking and bonding in such a beautiful space.

Finally getting to see this kid pitch for the first time all season was a best for sure.

Carly Jo turned 13!! She grew up so much this year in maturity and height.

We were ready for it! It was a Swiftie Girls Weekend with our fave people and Taylor Swift.

Meeting up with 5 women who I have never met before in real life may sound crazy but it is also one of the best decisions in 2018! We had such a blast taking in the sights and sounds of Nashville!

I turned 49 y’all! And yes, it was the best because my birthday always is for me. I love hearing from so many people I love and being celebrated even if for a day.

We visited Rice University and LSU over a weekend and Dillon decided to make a commitment to extend his academic career and play baseball for Rice. It’s best for me because this will keep him closer to home!

We had our first family vacation with all 6 of us together since 2009! It was an amazing getaway to Anna Maria Island.

We shared a special moment together as we were honored to help welcome George H.W. Bush to his final resting place.

We spent a Sunday serving our community at the Blessings in Bags event which truly made my heart so happy.

We had our traditional lazy Christmas morning and spent the day being lazy.

My niece and nephew came home with me for a few nights and we had some fun exploring our little town. I’m excited to report I upped my best aunt status.

We closed out the year with one last Christmas with my side of the family.
I’m so thankful for so many things in 2018 and I’m looking forward to celebrating all the things in 2019! Thank you so much for choosing to spend some of your time here with me this year.