The first day of school always brings such excitement! This year these two are both attending new schools for the first time; Dillon his first day of high school and Carly Jo her first day of Intermediate. The challenges are different and the days will be a little longer but I’m confident the teachers who have impacted these two thus far have prepared them both so well. Carly was most worried about having to “be so responsible” which makes me laugh because she has only been 16 since she was 2! Dillon, well, if he is worried about anything I wouldn’t know! He is so laid back and thankfully is a morning person who is up and ready long before he needs to be at 6:30am football.
The beginning of school brings it’s own challenges for us moms too! Sure there are the crazy activity schedules and lunches to prepare for but I mean the real challenges. Every year I feel like my kids change just enough on the first day of school to keep me on my toes. Should I ask more questions? Should I just let them chill? Do they like their teachers? Do they have friends? Is the silence just part of their personality or is something wrong? You would think after raising two kids who have been pretty darn successful I would know it all right? But they just keep throwing me off with their damn differences!
I think we all just want our kids to have the most fulfilled, drama free life possible right? Right now mine are in a comfortable place but I know at any moment that could be thrown off by a broken heart, a circle of trust that is no longer safe or just plain old peer pressure. I know that satan is right there waiting for my kids to fall and it scares the tar out of me. Protecting them is not always possible and there will be problems I cannot solve. Controlling their every move is just a setup for future disaster.
Scared yet? So what can we do as parents as they move through all this change? We can learn to listen more and talk less. We can learn to not carry every little silence on our sleeve like some direct rejection. We can hope our example of leadership and our ability to give grace is seen even if it is not immediately noted. We can love them fiercely without smothering. We can pray for guidance and for direction to help them lead the lives God has planned for THEM not the lives we are planning for them.
I am far from a perfect parent y’all. The one thing I know is these kids have taught me way more than I have taught them. I’m a better person every single day because every year I have been willing to change and grow the same as they have! Accepting my imperfections has not been easy nor has accepting that what I perceive as their imperfections are sometimes only pieces of them that are different than me but in no way imperfect.
This is what I do know for a fact! In five (very short) years you will look back and be astounded by the visible change in your life. Seeing this picture today; I mean wow! They have grown both physically, mentally and socially. One has moved on to his professional life and two are wearing glasses. One was already out on her own not by then and now has 4 years of a professional career under her belt! I’m so proud of all of us!

They have taught me that change doesn’t necessarily mean endings but new beginnings. Most of all they have taught me that accepting each others differences may not be easy but it is possible. If you have ever read
Daring Greatly
by Brene Brock you will recognize this quote. It is so very true!
“If we want our children to love and accept who they are, our job is to love and accept who we are.”
Embrace the change and love who you are today!
Whew! I seriously sat down here tonight to share a back to school picture and my heart just opened right up. Hope this touches a heart today as so many are experiencing these changes in many different ways.
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Loved this post. Hope the littles (well not so little anymore) have a great year
Oh boy, thanks for that! My oldest is having a tough time away at college. He's lonely, a little homesick and worried he won't find friends. It's been SO TOUGH. Your post is a great reminder of what I need to do as a mom. My faith is getting me through right now but the struggle is real.
Wow, Shelly! You opened my heart and my tear ducts! My oldest is starting kindergarten in two weeks and all summer I have been excited about having some free time during the week once he is at school all day. But as the day draws nearer, I do feel all of these fears starting to creep into my mind. But he will be fine, I keep telling myself, he will be better than me! They just keep growing up! And I guess all we can do is grow with them.
Great post!! We start 2 weeks from today and I can't wait to kick them out the door!! Is that bad?? Lol!
Aaaahhhhh! You got your first day photo. Goodness he is a tall boy! I hope they have the best year!
Great post!
This post—perfect!
I LOVE THIS! You teach me so much, momma. Beautiful reminder!!
Makes me miss the school days (somewhat!)…..Taylor came home last night and said "Mom, so weird that this was the first time in 18 years that I didn't have a FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!"….now if that doesn't set me off, what would? LOL cue the water works. Enjoy it all mama's… goes by SO FAST. Now can everyone please say a prayer that one of these dang companies will interview and hire my college grad??? So frustrating!! Have a great day!
I needed to read this today! Change means new beginnings for sure. It's so hard to trust and let our kids go, but it's what needs to happen. Hope you have a great week!
I'm so glad Lana! I know these things but sometimes I still catch myself trying to swoop right in and control everything. With the teenager right now I'm really having to work on not taking things personally! 🙂
Ahhh….it's a tough market right now evidently for college grads. I ran into a friend of Jordan's who graduated in May and she still hasn't found a job. Prayers for just the right fit!
Thanks sweet friend! Now….maybe I can learn to be a more consistent disciplinarian from you!
Mauh….thanks friend.
Thank you so much Coreline!
Yes! Makes him easy to find on the football field and in social situations! ha
Girl…if I worked from home I could totally relate!
Shelbee I'm typically not one to get all mushy but every once in awhile I catch myself so said thinking about how fast they are growing! I just want to wrap them up and keep them safe in my arms. But then at the same time I can't wait to see all the opportunity which lays before them!
I'm so sorry he's feeling homesick Kellyann. Mine was only about 3 hours from home but since he was playing baseball he could not come home. At first it was super easy and then about 6 weeks in he started getting pretty homesick. It's so hard to be there for them but not swoop in to rescue them right?
Thanks Kimm! Hope you guys are off to a fab start as well!
With this milestone comes a growth for not just the kids but the parents too. While it's scary, it's one I'm looking forward to experiencing with Connor.
You just made me cry!! It makes me sad to think of the day my girls go into high school. I know that they have to grow up and one day everything will change but I love this age! I hope your kids have a great week.
Such a wonderful, heartfelt post! I look forward to school days with my little one, but I want all the days until then to pass slowly so I can enjoy them more! It really is crazy how fast time passes!
Yes! We both agree that him coming home or us going to visit fixes nothing. I know it will be alright but it sure hurts right now!
Love this post and your first day of school pictures. "Listen more and talk less" – a great piece of advice. It can be hard not to throw an opinion or judgement in there, but we can learn a lot more about what is going on just by listening. So far 9th grade especially is feeling so much more positive than 8th did. Don't want to post more than that in a public comment, but I am so excited about the coming years. Hope everyone is off to a great start in your house. 🙂
We are off to a great start too Tanya! I think one of the best pieces of advice my mom ever gave me was "Jordan is not you!". I was always so worried about her making the same decisions I made but she had been given an entirely different skill set and had an entirely different personality.
Way to make me cry! Excellent post – so true. I always get excited seeing all of the back to school pics being posted! In no time, Miss A will be holding her own sign! Whew!
It is Laura! Hold onto that sweet baby girl tight!
Embrace every age Jessica! That makes things so much more fun. I think having my "big" grow up so fast definitely made me treasure the stages with the younger two much, much more! Hope you guys are off to a great start!
Stephanie it is so true…we should never stop growing! Change is inevitable but handling it with positivity and lots of grace will sure make it a little smoother!
I love this post and the message. Change doesn't necessarily mean the end….thank you for this today 🙂
Ahhh…I'm so glad you loved it Jenn! Hope you are having a super week.
Sorry for the tears Jessi! I seriously was like,whoa, where is all this coming from?!! When the words come I have to embrace it. Love all the changes your little miss will go through!
So very true. Raising kids is challenging and no two are alike! Thanks for sharing with #overthemoon.
Thanks for hosting Cathy!