ATX Mural Mania
In case you didn’t hear, we headed off for a girls weekend in the hill country with our besties to celebrate. My bestie, Holly, and I decided 4 years ago to start a new tradition giving an experience instead of a gift for our girls and we have logged lots of miles and even more laughs!
Instead of sharing the bulk of our trip in once post, I decided to share our little pitstop through Austin where we punched out a few murals on our list in record time! You can head to this amazing guide to find so many more options in the ATX area.
Scroll through to see all our stops!

Along with the laughs we have lots and lots of takes and if I had a nickel for every time Holly or I said “if you would just pose and take the shot we could have been done by now.”

We would like to submit exhibit A that we take some abuse on these trips!

This was actually a bumble ad and when the girls realized that they thought it was hilarious!

Because I know one of you will ask as many did on Instagram, yes, these are tie dye crocs!

Trust me, they were getting to the hangry stage at this point and they didn’t really want to. Ha!

I feel like I haven’t gone my job right because my child was like “who is Willie?”

We were losing light quickly but I’m so glad we “forced” this one! It is one of my faves.

And just for fun….because they are FUN. We let them shop in Big Top Candy Shop before loading up and heading to Wimberley for the rest of our girls weekend. This candy shop had every bit of candy you could dream of and they thought it was hilarious to purchase candy cigarettes and “smoke” them in the car.
Hopefully I’ll be back later this week sharing the rest of the adventure! Be sure to stop by on Thursday for my Throwback Thursday linkup and share your spring break memories!
Linking up this Monday with Linking with||Weekending, Hello Monday